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Patricia Bullrich spoke of an attempted “modern coup d’état” and anticipated that the protesters will be denounced for sedition

There were serious incidents during the protests around Congress. Photo: Jaime Olivos

The Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, today highlighted the actions of the security forces during the incidents that occurred yesterday around Congress during the debate of the Bases Law and the fiscal package, while speaking of an attempt to “modern coup d’état“, so, he anticipated, they will denounce the protesters for sedition.

Additionally, and surprisingly, he thanked the unions for leaving the demonstration before the clashes began.

The official thus endorsed the version of the Office of the President of the Nation that yesterday, after moments of maximum tension, released a statement in which it accused “terrorist groups” of trying to perpetrate “a coup d’état.”

“We had information that there were groups that had gone with all kinds of materials. We had worked hard leading up to this demonstration so that it would not surprise us. We knew, just as the President of the Nation said, that it was a coup d’état. What are modern coups d’état like? It is permanent wear and tear to try to create a situation so that the State loses the capacity to act,” Bullrich stressed.

In statements to LN+, the official stated that “those responsible for what happened yesterday are Kirchnerism and the leftist movements,” and although she recalled that “the organizers of the march are the unions,” she was grateful “that they left early, when the incidents began.”

Incidents around the Senate during the debate on the Bases Law. Photo: Gastón Taylor

“But be aware that they are the provokers of violence to the extent that they permanently generate a discourse of wanting to overthrow the Government because they do not like the things that the Government decides,” he added.

Likewise, the minister stated that they have identified as participants in the acts of violence MTE, the Somos Barrios de Pie movements, the MST “and Kirchnerist groups and also municipal employees of greater Buenos Aires.”

Bullrich said that there is already a judicial case underway, which is being carried out by Judge María Servini and prosecutor Carlos Stornelli, and that they will denounce the protesters for the crime of sedition: “They wanted to stop the session by force. “It is one of the covers that we are going to present today,” he said.

When analyzing the operation, Bullrich described the actions of the security forces as “excellent,” and stated that they were “up to par” with what the Government intended. “With professionalism, with prudence, but without doubting that when you have to go, attack and not let them take over Congress, they don’t let it,” he said.

There, the minister made, perhaps without realizing it, a self-criticism since she differentiated yesterday’s operation from that of 2017, when the then Government of Mauricio Macri promoted a retirement reform in Congress, which was frustrated after serious incidents.

“The method is the same, the answer is different. It is much more professional and forceful. In 2017 there was a letting them throw stones for four or five hours. Here, there was an immediate reaction,” said Bullrich, who was also Minister of Security at that time.

Finally, and after questioning the deputies who participated in the protest, and who reported that they were attacked by the Police, he rejected the possibility that the incidents were caused by “infiltrators” of the Government itself: “You’ll see when the background of these people comes out, you’ll know them all,” he said.

In the streets, while the senators debated, violence was present throughout yesterday afternoon. Protesters confronted security forces with stones, Molotov cocktails and even grenades. In addition, they caused damage and set cars on fire. There were a total of 31 detainees, various damage and security force members injured.

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