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Creation of permanent Tax and Customs Police advances in Córdoba

The governor of Córdoba, Erasmo Zuleta Bechara, announced important progress in the formation of a Permanent Fiscal and Customs Police for the department.

In an exclusive interview with the digital newspaper LARAZÓN.CO, The president highlighted the relevance of this specialized unit to combat smuggling that severely affects the region.

“Córdoba is one of the Caribbean departments hardest hit by the smuggling of liquor, cigarettes and various merchandise,” said Zuleta Bechara.

According to data from the National Federation of Departments, the Córdoba market has been significantly infiltrated by smuggled cigarette brands, mainly coming from Uruguay and the Middle East. This illegal practice costs the department more than 5 billion pesos annually in lost revenue.

The main mission of the future Tax and Customs Police will be to coordinate efforts with the Anti-Smuggling Group of the Ministry of Finance, which has already dealt heavy blows to the illegal trafficking of liquor and cigarettes in the region.

“This new unit will strengthen our capabilities to protect the local economy and departmental income,” explained the governor.

Zuleta Bechara emphasized that the implementation of this specialized force not only seeks to stop economic losses, but also combat criminal networks that benefit from smuggling.


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