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Which regions suspended classes and until when? Rains in Chile

An extensive frontal system in the south-central area of ​​the country determined that certain regions will suspend classes this Thursday the 13th and Friday the 14th of June. For this reason, the Mineduc notified measures due to the rains.

In relation to this, the list Does not include Higher Education and it must be each establishment that determines whether classes are held or not.

Which regions suspended their classes and on what days?

The regions that have announced suspension of classes in Basic, Middle and Kindergarten Educationare the following according to the Mineduc:

  • Thursday June 13
    • Coquimbo.
    • Valparaiso.
    • Metropolitan region
    • O’Higgins.
    • Maule.
    • Ñuble.
    • Biobío.

Refering to Araucania regionAccording to Mineduc, classes were suspended in Chol Chol, Galvarino, Padre Las Casas (rural only), Curacautín, AngolRenaico, Lumaco, Ercilla, Victoria, Los Sauces and Purén.

During the early morning they joined the partial suspension Lautaro, Temuco, PerquencoTraiguén and Collipulli.

On the other hand, in the River region Classes were suspended at the Cardenal Raúl Silva Henriquez Private School (Rio Bueno) and at the Rukaklen Rural School (lanco).

  • Friday June 14
    • Valparaiso.
    • Metropolitan region
    • O’Higgins.
    • Ñuble.
    • Biobío.
    • *Maule will be subject to evaluation.
Photo: Senapred

In the face of any commune or region that joins the suspension of classes due to the rains, the Ministry of Education on its official portal will be updating this information.

The Minister of Education (s) Alejandra Arratiapointed out that “There is also no obligation to recoverwithout prejudice to the fact that we must always remember that what is important here is the safety of the educational communities and the higher good of the boys, girls, and young people who study.”

For its part, the national director of Junaeb, Camila Rubioexplained that “in the context of this emergency, from the national directorate of Junaeb we provide instructions to our regional directorates for the correct delivery of the service in schools, as long as the schools have responsible personnel that allow the deployment of the service.”

Photo: Govt. From Chile.
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