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They carry out a Comprehensive Visit to the municipality of Majagua – Televisión Avileña

As part of the comprehensive visit carried out by the political and government authorities of Ciego de Ávila to the municipalities of Avila, directors of several work commissions arrived in Majagua with a view to evaluating the economic and social programs being developed in the territory.

On a tour of the southwest of Avila, the different commissions exchanged with the workers and the population, who raised their concerns, suggestions and addressed issues of collective interest.

During the trip, Isabel Eng Pernas, head of the provincial government secretariat, visited several institutions such as the Grandfather’s House, the Maternal Home, state agricultural markets in different communities, gastronomic centers, the Family Care System (SAF), among others. , where he checked the quality of services, and dialogue with residents in order to achieve effective citizen participation in this process of vital importance for the country.

Among the 238 deficiencies detected in the territory were: the shortage of plazas, insufficient epidemiological surveillance, with emphasis on the popular council of Orlando González, Business Units of Commerce and Gastronomy with losses, the non-compliance of several productive lines, including meat and milk, irregularities related to the banking system in a group of entities and self-employed workers (TCP), people in need of financial assistance, as well as the lack of management of some administrative officials.

The comprehensive visit to the Avilanian municipality of Majagua concluded with the commitment of the sectors targeted to resolve the problems detected, and to be in better conditions for the next appointment, which will take place next September.


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