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Verónica Rodríguez carried out the most expensive federal campaign in SLP – Astrolabio

Abelardo Medellin

The coalition candidate “Strength and Heart for Mexico” to the Senate of the Republic for San Luis Potosí, Veronica Rodriguez Hernandezwas the candidate from Potosí for a federal position who spent the most money during this year’s campaign, according to data from the latest report from the portal of Accountability and Audit Results of the National Electoral Institute (INE).

According to the latest inspection report published by the INE last Monday, June 10, the candidate named for the PAN, and who obtained the minority senatorship with 315 thousand 405 votesreported campaign expenses for 10 million 482 thousand 807.52 pesoswhich represents the highest expenditure by a federal candidate in the entity.

After Verónica Rodríguez, the Senate candidate who spent the most was Rita Ozalia Rodríguez Velazquez of Brunettewho came in third place, and according to his reports, he spent 9 million 391 thousand 364.54 pesos.

Both are followed Ruth Gonzalez Silvacoalition candidate “Let’s continue making history” (PVEM-Morena-PT), who was the winner, by reporting expenses for 7 million 803 thousand 936.54 pesos.

According to these data and the number of votes obtained, Rita Ozalia, Verónica Rodríguez and Ruth González respectively spent 36, 33 and 16 pesos for each vote obtained in the campaign; That is to say, in relation to the rest of the candidacies, the Morena candidate was the one who spent the most to obtain each vote received.

In contrast, the candidate who reported the least expenses was Josefina Salazar Baez of Citizen movementwho reported 839 thousand 40.21 pesosthat is to say, 12 times less money than the most expensive campaign brought in.

In the case of campaigns for Chamber of Deputiesfor the second consecutive time, the candidacy that spent the most was that of Nubia Irisa Castillo Medina of the “Strength and Heart for Mexico” coalition, for the district VIIwho reported having spent one million 622 thousand 482.34 pesos.

The other three candidates for federal deputies who spent the most in the campaign also belong to the “Fuerza y ​​Corazón por México” coalition: David Azuara Zúñigawith one million 591 thousand 723.62 pesos; Wendy Guadalupe Rodríguez Galarza, one million 528 thousand 941.46 pesos; and Gabriela Martínez Lárragawith one million 510 thousand 56.59 pesos.

As in the case of the Senate candidates, in the campaign for the Chamber of Deputies those who spent the least were the Citizen Movement candidates, with a total 2 million 119 thousand 921.53 pesos.

In total, candidates for federal office spent 65 million 917 thousand 256.19 pesoswhich represents a daily expense of 732 thousand 413.95 pesos for each of the 90 days campaign.

Of those 65.9 million, 46 million 199 thousand 70.27 pesos correspond to the expenses incurred by the Senate candidates, while 19 million 718 thousand 185.19 pesos correspond to those of candidates for the Chamber of Deputies.

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