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Maxi returned to cancer and his health regressed: Ipross was accused of taking medication in Bariloche

The case of Máximo Gómez Jaroslavsky A young man of 20 who was diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma in 2023, did not progress and the prognosis they feared so much was confirmed: After carrying out a medical study, it was determined that the boy went into remission and must undergo new treatment.

He background, according to the family complaint, was the delay in the authorization of a bone marrow transplant by his social work, procedure that was going to be the closure of a long process of chemotherapy that had allowed him to get rid of cancer at the end of last year. The patient himself told his testimony to Diario RIO NEGRO.

“Now Maxi must start a new treatment, immunotherapy for three months,” said his mother, Mariana Jaroslavsky. «Immunotherapy that is specific for people who have already done chemotherapy and are relapsed. The truth is that I’m scared,” the woman added.

This is an application every 15 days for which a medication called “Nivolumab 19 0MG” is required. «If (the cancer) goes away, you have to do the autotransplant. If not, he has to do three more months (of immunotherapy),” explained the patient’s mother.

The member, not satisfied with the still unresolved and aggravated situation for her son after waiting since January for authorizationinitiated a new action and informed Ipross by note to the Bariloche delegation for the urgent provision of medication to begin the new treatment within a period of 72 hours. Now yes, Mariana expects immediate solutions.

Maxi with one of his doctors last year, when he was reaching the final stretch, close to being cured.

On June 10, he had submitted the request for the medication with all the documentation and medical report proving the urgency. “My son’s situation is delicate,” he reinforced.

The The note was sent to Ipross this Wednesday, June 12, and a copy of the note was sent to the Ombudsman’s Office of Río Negro, the organization from which it requested intervention. If there are no solutions and answers within three days, Mariana will initiate legal action.

Appropriately, Diario RIO NEGRO consulted the provincial social work the status of the case on June 6 and officially They had assured that the process was in an “advanced state for authorization” and that supporting documentation was missing. “Today (on June 6) the file was seen by the Medical Audit Directorate and authorized by the Technical General Secretariat to finally reach the Ipross accounting office.”

A breakthrough: cryopreservation began, close to home

After this media report, Ipross authorized one of the procedures that Máximo had to be done in Bariloche, which is cryopreservation, when they had previously granted it to him but he had to travel to Cipolletti.

He Governor Alberto Weretilneck himself had communicated The woman barely began to make her son’s situation public on social media, but there was no concrete progress other than the authorization of this procedure in her place of origin.

Cryopreservation is the medical process by which cells or tissues are frozen at very low temperatures to reduce the vital functions of a cell or an organism and be able to maintain suspended life conditions for a long time.

A little history: it all started two years ago

Máximo’s diagnosis could be determined at the end of 2022 after he had swelling in the lymph nodes in his neck. After a study it was confirmed that she had Hodgkin lymphomaa disease in which malignant (cancerous) cells form in the lymphatic system (Part of immune system).

Maxi in the hospital.

The Chemotherapy started at the Intecnus Foundation in January 2023 with six cycles of twelve sessions every 15 days. The malignant cells persisted in the middle of last year, so he had to continue with another modality: three cycles of five days in which he had to be admitted to the Ramón Carrillo public hospital, because it did not cover his social work.

“Then “I had to do the transplant, but it didn’t happen,” His mother reaffirmed that she began the procedures to carry it out on January 12, 2024.

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