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CAPA: Increase in consumption of methamphetamines and alcoholic beverages in Córdoba is worrying – El Sol de Córdoba

Córdoba, Ver.- The Primary Care Center for Addictions (CAPA) in Córdoba registers an increase in the consumption of synthetic drugs such as methamphetamines, second place is occupied by alcohol and third place is dope.

Julio César Martínez Victoria, head of that department, explains in interview for El Sol de Córdoba that the population that consumes methamphetamines the most are men between 18 and 19 years old. In addition to 113 people in that rank, there are 30 men and 15 women.

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However, it has also detected that there are 12-year-old children who already consume these illicit substances, which is unfortunate.

Is there consumption of intoxicating beverages in children of Córdoba?

In the case of addiction to intoxicating drinks CAPA serves 53 people, the age of highest consumption is men from 30 to 49 years old but also There are 12 year old children already with this problem..

While of Dope There are 38 people, the majority of consumers are also men whose ages range from 18 to 19 years old.

About the consumption of alcoholic beverages He stated that “the myth of a beer for the heat, although it is true, beer in hot weather increases consumption since it is believed that cold beer provides a momentary sensation of relief from high temperatures.”

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Julio César Martínez Victoria states that this can have harmful effects since it increases the diuretic function, “leading us to urinate more times, and therefore to faster dehydration, contributing to heat stroke.”

“The intake of alcoholic beverages is a main consumption problem in Mexico, affecting our adolescents and the adult population, with men being the ones who consume the most alcoholic beverages, however, women also have a high rate of consumption for each man dependent on the substance. a woman is found dependent on her, therefore they go hand in hand”.

It mentions that the family, spouses or a loved one are the ones who approach the institution to request help for their family member who has an addiction problem. Being the men who have received the most attention so far this year.

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He said that so far this year, 235 users with consumption of different psychoactive substances have been treated, highlighting the largest number of cases treated is for methamphetamine consumption.

Are there signs to identify people with addictions to alcoholic beverages?

The warning signs to detect if someone uses drugs or alcoholic beverages They are: behavioral changes in mood, sleep disturbances, apparent behavioral itching, rapid breathing, loss of appetite, hyperactivity, hallucinations, among others.

If you require help, you can go to the CAPA located next to the general hospital of Córdoba, from 8 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon, on Córdoba-Peñuela boulevard.

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