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No payments should be made to the Universidad Potosina until it is regularized: SEGE – Astrolabio

Estela Ambriz Delgado

The authorities of the Secretary of Education of the State Government (SEGE) warned that the Potosina University located in Carranza Avenue It is irregular, so any course offered and the subsequent payment “are up in the air”, since it does not have any support from the agency; If the corresponding regularization procedures are not carried out, it will be closed.

Among the many doubts and complaints that arose during the meeting held on June 12 with students and relatives defrauded by the rector Arturo Segoviano Garcíathose who are in the eighth and tenth semester urgently require that the paperwork be completed to conclude their internship and validate the hours in the hospital, and some who are in other semesters were about to start a regularization course that of course had a cost .

About, José Gerardo Perdomo Quinterodirector of Planning and Evaluation of the SEGE, responded that it will be reviewed with the Health sector regarding the practices and procedures of Favorable Technical Opinion (OTA) before the Interinstitutional Commission for the Training of Human Resources for Health (CIFHRS), and was very clear that currently any course offered “is up in the air”, since it does not have any validity or support from the secretariat.

Added to this, María Isabel Sánchez Garcíaof the General Planning Coordinationsaid that the UP located in Carranza has been suspended since April with precautionary measures so that it does not operate, and since 2019 Until a week ago, no students had registered for the degree in Medicine at that institution.

Likewise, at the meeting more complaints arose in relation to improvisations in the study plan, such as carrying out a semester in two months; the lack of clinical practices, as well as facilities and equipment for a medical school, risking that in practice they could have a case of inexperience with a patient, which could land them in jail for negligence and malpractice.

Perdomo Quintero said that the different irregularities expressed will increase the list to be included in the investigation they carry out, and to the extent of them, as well as their severity, an economic sanction will be applied and even the closure of the institution and withdrawal of the Official Validity Register (RVOE) definitively, safeguarding the rights of the students who have already studied.

“In the event that what follows is not regularized, the first step is the suspension of the temporary service for those who are just about to register; The next step is the imposition of a financial penalty, and the next step is the definitive closure and withdrawal of the RVOE. So if this part is not regularized and these irregularities continue to persist, there will be no more students attending this school and an administrative procedure would be initiated to sanction according to the law,” he assured.

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