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Llaryora participated in the delivery of Bancor mortgage loans to Córdoba families

Governor Martín Llaryora and the president of Bancor, Raúl Paolasso, delivered this Thursday a series of mortgage loans to six families in Córdoba.

“We are fulfilling the dream of owning our own home, at a time when it is difficult to fulfill dreams. This is a great leap in quality for families and we are making it possible because Córdoba has its own bank, an instrument of development for all Córdoba residents,” said the governor.

The families were happy with the achievement and highlighted “the speed and permanent attention provided by the Bank’s advisors” throughout the loan qualification and granting process.

These credits are complemented with personal loans for construction materials, promotions and special financing with the Cordobesa Crédito card. In this way, genuine employment is protected by mobilizing the local trade and industry market.

The mortgage line of the Bank of the Province of Córdoba is the only one in the country that finances 100% of the purchase value of the property or value of the construction project. In addition, the one with the greatest accessibility for the middle sectors.

So far, 70% of the credits are for purchase, and 30% for construction, completion, or expansion. On the other hand, 23% correspond to the interior of the province and 87% to the city of Córdoba and greater Córdoba, with a higher incidence in locations such as La Calera, Malagueño, Villa Allende, Río Ceballos.

To date, 54 thousand queries have already been received through service channels: web, social networks, phone calls, WhatsApp and in person. In addition, more than 2,500 new properties were received to be certified on , the Bank’s platform that certifies properties suitable for operations.

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