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Former mayor of Cúcuta will be investigated for money spent on Multipurpose Cadastre


The Municipal Comptroller of Cúcutathrough the Office of Fiscal Responsibility and Coercive Jurisdiction, opened a fiscal responsibility process, for the loss and deterioration of public resources invested by the previous Municipal administration for the development of the Multipurpose Cadastre projectfor an amount of nine thousand twenty four million, three hundred forty-nine thousand three hundred eighty-three M/CTE ($ 9,024,349,383.63) (unindexed).

The Comptroller’s Office assures that “it showed that The money invested was wasted, as the two main objectives of the multipurpose cadastre project were not met, clearly defined in the Development Plan and the project registered in the Project Bank and which served as the basis for the Municipal Council to approve the credit intended to finance the aforementioned project, whose objectives were:

  • Cadastral update aimed at financially strengthening the municipality by increasing property tax collection. (Goal 90%) .
  • Seek interoperability with other information systems that will facilitate administration, management and decision making regarding municipal information (Multipurpose Character). (without surgery)”.

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The control entity says that “it was warned that with the money invested from the resources of the municipal budget of Cúcuta, in the three years of execution of the project carried out by the previous administration, They were only able to be executed in 2.2% of the projected updates or objectives of the project established in 90% of the existing properties. . That is to say that the Municipality only updated 6285 properties with a multipurpose approach where it had to manage cadastrally 290,000 properties as a goal of updating 90% of the existing properties, generating a higher cost per property.”

They were linked as alleged tax officials, who acted as municipal mayor and those who served as treasury secretaries for the time of the events.

To date, there is no public statement from the former mayor Jairo Yáñez and the former officials involved in this process.


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