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The Colombian waterfall in which the water “falls upwards”, an unusual natural phenomenon

The place never ceases to surprise on social networks and to the people who want to know it – credit @perezfecto /

Colombia has little-known places that are considered magical, as they not only surprise foreigners, but also national tourism lovers. One of the most curious is a body of water in which the drops “fall up,” according to local residents and those who know this place.

It’s about the Pila Honda waterfall, recognized on social networks and among residents for the curious phenomenon where the water seems to go upwardsthis place is located in the Llanadas village, in the Mesa de Los Santos (Santander).

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This imposing natural site has gained popularity among content creators and tourists, especially for its peculiarity and beauty, because it not only looks impressive in images on social networks, so those who hear about this place are interested in visit it.

The phenomenon of “water falling upwards” occurs due to the strong winds that blow in the region and they raise the water from the waterfall, converting it into aerosols, creating the illusion that the water is moving in the opposite direction.

This natural phenomenon has caught the attention of tourists – credit @andosc1

It is important to keep in mind that this phenomenon is not constant and depends on the weather conditions at the time, so it may not be observed on days with calm winds and the rainbow in the middle of the waterfall.

This magical place in Pila Honda is located approximately 40 minutes by car from the Linderos sector and less than two hours from Bucaramanga, making it one of the places of interest for those who visit this region of the country.

To get to Pila Honda from Bogotá, the easiest way is by car and you must take the North Highway, follow Highway 45 to Piedecuesta. From there, travelers must continue along Highway 45A towards the municipality of Los Santos and, once in the Linderos sector, follow the signs to the waterfall.

Another option is to use public transportation. It is possible to take a bus to Piedecuesta and, once there, a taxi or bus to the Linderos sector. Finally, you must take another transportation to Pila Honda; However, those who take this option should know that the trip would take a much longer duration.

This place has become one of the most visited – credit @andosc1 /

This place not only amazes visitors with the aforementioned phenomenon, but also with the landscapes and the opportunity to explore a lesser known part of Colombiabecause they can also take advantage to do other types of activities in the area.

In addition to visiting the famous waterfall, adventure lovers dare to visit this municipality, because they can carry out other types of activities, due to the geographical location of this region, which has interesting natural formations and other types of activities.

Among the activities, a visit to the Chicamocha Canyon stands out.which is located between Boyacá and Santander, a department where its maximum depth can be seen, especially between the municipalities of Aratoca, Cepitá, Los Santos and Jordán.

Fans attend to see the phenomenon with their own eyes – credit @HondaPila52482 /

Citizens can enjoy activities such as paragliding in the Grand Canyon of Chicamocha, hiking, rafting, coffee tour, bird watchingamong other plans for all types of public, which can be found through the travel platforms of the municipality of your interest or the platform Tripadvisor.

Likewise, in the region you will find a large number of hotels and restaurants, in which the gastronomy and customs of the region stand out. It is worth mentioning that the municipality of Los Santos is also recognized for the large number of earthquakes that occur there daily, which are due to its geological location, according to what was reported by the Colombian Geological Service.

The municipality of Los Santos is the epicenter of the vast majority of earthquakes of intermediate depth that originate in the Bucaramanga Seismic Nest,” stated the institution dedicated to monitoring these events in the national territory.

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