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Workshop “Lighting for Lambe Lambe Theater” will be facilitated at Casa OANI

On Saturday, June 22, Luciano Bugmann, from the MestreLunas Company, will facilitate the “Lighting for the Lambe Lambe Theater” Workshop from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The activity will take place at Casa OANI, located at Lo Venegas #489, Cerro Cárcel, Valparaíso. This initiative is funded by the 2023 Call for Support for Community Culture Points of the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage.

In the workshop, tools will be delivered and technical procedures will be reviewed for the construction of LED lighting for miniature theaters. There is space for 15 participants over 18 years of age. The requirements are a soldering iron, a small pliers and a cardboard box or Lambe Lambe Theater to install the light model. The registration fee is $5,000 through the following link or on Instagram @casaoani.

Luciano Bugmann came to the world of Lambe Lambe marked by literature, a text he read in high school stayed with him for a long time. Before creating his first show, he saw the work of other colleagues, such as “The Crypt” by Sergio Tastaldi, which used LED lights and battery power, something very new at the time, and the first Lambe Lambe by Antonio de Boneco. This is how he put together “The Courtship in the Cemetery”, a work released in 2007 that was inspired by the poem of the same name by Soares de Passos, a 19th century Portuguese poet.

The surprise and amazement he felt as a spectator was what captured Luciano and made him continue on the path of Lambe Lambe, seeing the richness of the possibilities and the ability of this format to create a personal and impressive universe. About the workshop he comments:

“I have done this Lighting Workshop several times before. Each circumstance requires a different approach and special care, since audiences change and so does knowledge. Each workshop is a challenge and an opportunity for dynamic feedback, both for the participants and for me. Teaching is a process that enriches my own knowledge as I respond to students’ questions and concerns.”

Regarding the knowledge to be delivered, he points out: “In this workshop we are going to treat light from a theoretical and practical approach. Participants will learn about the physical phenomenon of light, the history and important concepts of the language of theatrical lighting. We will practice with technical elements such as batteries, connectors, switches and LEDs. They will learn how to solder and build their own lighting project. “They will leave with solid knowledge to carry out their first lighting project safely and effectively.”

“Facilitating a workshop at Casa OANI Community Culture Point is a source of great pride for me. First, because I can see the evolution that this art has had in Chile since I premiered my first show here. Furthermore, OANI is a group with a lot of experience and coherent artistic work that always seeks new languages ​​and forms of expression. Being part of this group and its evolution as a Community Culture Point, which facilitates access to knowledge, fills me with pride and happiness.”

“I invite all those who are curious or have a weakness in relation to theatrical lighting to join us. It will be an opportunity to learn, have fun and improve your future work with techniques and knowledge that will facilitate the enchantment of the public. We will discuss and explore how to play and compose with light to create wonderful experiences,” adds Luciano.

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