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Governor of Córdoba proposes to the UNGRD a mechanism to ad

Taking the voice of his colleagues and as host of the Governors Summitthe president of Córdoba, Erasmo Zuleta Bechara, proposed this Thursday to the National Disaster Risk Management Unit a mechanism for the acquisition of a bank of yellow machinery for all departments of the country.

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It is a 50/50 contribution that allows them to have these machines in their territories all the time and not have to rush in emergencies because, in the opinion of the Cordoba president, “it is more profitable to invest in prevention than to deal with the disaster.” .

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He noted that “on behalf of all my colleagues, the 32 governors and the National Department FederationYes, we want to ask you to form a bank with yellow machinery, giving confidence to these governors and that we make agreements where the Unit puts up part of the money, we put in the other, a 50-50, and let’s buy this machinery for the departments and you can control them from the UNGRD,” said Governor Zuleta to director Carlos Carrillo who was present on the first day of the summit.

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In addition to proposing the joint financing scheme between the UNGRD and the governorates, there was also a call to improve the RUD (Single Registry of Damaged Persons) information registry, pointing out the current difficulties and the need to hire additional personnel to comply with the reporting and justification requirements for expenditure, under the supervision of the ComptrollerAttorney’s Office and Prosecutor’s Office.

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The president of Córdoba also emphasized the urgency of addressing the coastal erosionespecially on the road that connects Córdoba with the Urabá Antioqueño through the municipality of Arboletes, highlighting the importance of preventive intervention to prevent these two areas from being cut off.

He made public the governors’ willingness to use royalty resources to finance projects in the long term that mitigate coastal erosion as soon as possible.

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