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Atahualpa Yupanqui, his music and his texts, at the beginning of the cycle called The Makers

Martín Páez de la Torre and Sofía Singh pay tribute to the leaders of Creole culture.

The voice of Sofia Singh and the guitar Martin Paez de la Torre will fill the amphitheater of the Virla Cultural Center today from 9 p.m. (May 25, 265) in the first installment of their cycle The Makers, which will open dedicated to the work of Atahualpa Yupanqui.

The proposal is designed as a series of concerts in different months until the end of the year, to recover the legacy of fundamental creators and performers of Argentine popular music.

After Yupanqui, next month the date will be dedicated to the issues of Gentilini Duck and of Chivo Valladares. Already in September it will be the turn of the unforgettable songs chosen by Mercedes Sosa; and in November the proposal will be closed with themes Ramon Ayala.

“This is a very important step for our duo. Devoting ourselves to the task of studying part of the creation of these true giants of Creole culture is a challenge that worries us a little, but makes us very proud. And more so in a time where we see personalities valued too much above art itself, we want to put their work above us, and above everything,” highlights Páez de la Torre.

Regarding the selection made for this first season, he points out that “it is a lot, but it is also little; We must continue and next year the Núñez Brothers will come, the Cuchi Leguizamón, Juan Falú and more”. “After having started this idea last year with the tribute to Eduardo Falú, it seemed appropriate to us to now begin the cycle with the true father of national culture, Yupanqui; Today, more than a musician, he is a kind of North in the compass of many of us. We are very grateful to the entire Virla team for understanding the importance of all this,” he adds.

More authentic creation

“What unites them all? Well, they were the ones who put their lives in pursuit of the most authentic creation. The Makers are the ones who gave flesh to our wonderful repertoire, who together with great poets leave us their legacy; Mercedes is also a creator, since with her very fine selection and the clarity and depth of her interpreter she truly knew how to bring to light authors whom we cannot imagine without her, like herself. Violeta Parraor the work of Ariel Ramirez and Felix Luna“, he specifies in response to a question from LA GACETA.

“With Sofía we take the work together and with a lot of discipline and respect for the melodies and lyrics, but we are alive and so we offer the songs our own personal and new look,” he acknowledges.

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