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The Asphalt Warriors: a route through life

Camagüey, June 14.– The words solidarity and altruism make a lot of sense for those who honor it with their daily actions, and these are the essences defended by the Asphalt Warriors, a group of men and women with electric tricycles who come together for the good of society.

This is how they call themselves and perhaps they owe their name to the fact that they face problems and difficulties every day.

One of the administrators of the WhatsApp and Facebook group Edyy Reytor Tamayo talks about the brotherhood of around seventy people from Camagüey who defy adversity.

The young man in charge of a local development project assures that at the beginning the idea of ​​the Group was to help each other on the road in the event of any problem or technical failure, or to provide services to those who did not have transportation or money to pay for it, and the truth is that Little by little, the purposes and works of public good began to take shape.

Today the people of Camagüey recognize them on the streets, either by the pullovers, or the logo plastered on each of the teams, or when they arrive at the stops and pick up people for free.

This is how they start the day, they rotate, and every morning four or five of the group take a route to alleviate the complex situation with transportation, at the same time on social networks they share the numbers of the administrators for those who cannot access this means of transportation. transportation and need to go to the hospital or take a family member.

But the good deeds do not stop and together they made donations of toys and candy to children at the Eduardo Agramonte Piña pediatric hospital in Camagüey, a day that they classified as special because of the emotional burden and the feelings shared with infants and medical staff at the healthcare center.

There they also left their mark and their numbers to return the discharged children to their homes.

They were seen in vulnerable communities delivering food and processed food.

Nothing more fair than, as Camagüeyans, to dedicate, due to the significant and altruistic nature of their gestures, a thank you as we pass, to those who lighten the burdens of setbacks or allow us to arrive on time, and perhaps a handshake for the selfless and conscious attitude with which these men and women contribute their efforts to society every day. (Text and photos: Gladys Dalyn Morera Cordero/RCA)

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