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Donate to save lives | Radio Cadena Agramonte Radio Cadena Agramonte Camagüey: In the heart of the town

Camagüey, June 14.– Blood transfusions and their products help save lives because they help patients with life-threatening diseases live longer and with a better quality of life, as well as making complex medical and surgical interventions possible.

Until the end of May, 5,453 donations had been made in the province and the municipalities with the greatest representation are Vertientes, Guáimaro, Florida, Nuevitas and Santa Cruz.

Blood donations play a vital role in maternal and child care, pregnancy and emergency responses. There are 10,000 donors in the territory, including 120 special donors and 313 plasmapheresis donors.

According to the World Health Organization, World Blood Donor Day is celebrated on June 14 every year to thank unpaid voluntary donors and raise awareness of the need to make regular donations to guarantee the quality, safety and availability of blood. and its products.

Blood services that enable patients to access safe blood products are a key component of effective health systems. (Text and photo: Carmen Luisa Hernández Loredo/RCA collaborator)

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