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They capture the hitmen who murdered a man in Ibagué | ELOLFATO.COM

The authorities captured two men accused of being responsible for the hitman that took place last Friday, June 7, in the El Salado sector. (See: Hitman in Ibagué: they murdered a man who was walking on a public road)

These are two subjects aged 20 and 28 who opened fire on their victim from a motorcycle.

The Metropolitan Police of Ibagué was able to find the whereabouts of the criminals thanks to the tracking of the vehicle through security cameras.

“An elite group of criminal investigation and police intelligence was available, who managed to identify the license plate of the motorcycle used to commit the actand by monitoring the security cameras of the integrated emergency system 123, they located the neighborhood where those responsible for the homicide allegedly arrived,” said the commander of the Ibagué Metropolitan Police, Diego Mora.

The authorities arrived hours later at a home in the Tulio Varón neighborhood, located in the El Jardín sector. place where the perpetrators would have entered. There they collected evidence that would link those responsible to the homicide.

“Once there, they identified the alleged property they entered, located in block M of the Tulio Varón neighborhood and they requested a search warrant, with the objective of finding and collecting physical evidence and evidentiary material,” the commander added.

Later they managed to capture the two men known by the aliases ‘Nene’ and ‘Coco’, in the La Estación and Nuevo Combeima neighborhoods.

According to the police, alias ‘Nene’, 28, has a record of conspiracy and theft. To top it off, the subject He had a current sentence of 18 months for the crime of theft.

Alias ​​’Coco’, on the other hand, 20 years old, has judicial notes as being accused of various crimes. Among them intimidation with a firearm, injuries and homicide. The other crimes, committed while he was still a minorinclude conspiracy to commit a crime, domestic violence, drug trafficking, carrying firearms and theft.

“At the request of the Attorney General’s Office, a guarantee control judge imposed a security measure in prison on the two captured,” the police concluded.

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