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Manizales Resurges

After four years of inactivity, disappointment, corruption, waste and destruction we see an active, dynamic and purposeful Manizales. It is the result of having reacted massively and handed the reins to an Administration with experience and the will to do things; to an Administration focused on the reconstruction of the city; to an Administration that moved away from the rearview mirror and is working on solutions and not crying about inherited problems.

For this reason, just five months after the beginning of this Mayor’s Office, a new air is being breathed and optimism and the desire to re-emerge is spreading. And that is also why, although paradoxical, it is incredible to feel pleasure in the middle of a traffic jam; or joy at finding yourself in the narrowing of the roads; or rejoicing at having to opt for alternative routes. Because everything obeys the action, the dynamism and the recovery of our city. Works that we were deprived of for four years, today spread in the neighborhoods and sidewalks, and the official presence is now a constant that allows us to look at Manizales again with optimism and confidence.

The same thing happens with security: the repair of hundreds of surveillance cameras that were out of operation, in addition to the reinforcement of members of the Public Force who are now present in crucial points, are an incentive for citizens and make us feel protected. . We also see ample mobility and a massive presence of traffic guards who control and prevent the excesses that we ourselves cause and that, in the face of the past absence of the State and administrative indolence, were infected by the citizen and grew, further increasing the chaos. .

Five months that changed our perception of the city; five months that mark a new era of resurgence of the sense of belonging and Manizale pride; five months that allow us to look at a Manizales with the great social, civic and cultural values ​​that we boasted until some time ago, and that today we are channeling again for the benefit of all.

And this is just the beginning.

We know that it is much more difficult to rebuild than to build; and that starting from ruins to build is not the same as starting from clean and healthy land. But that is our reality and we see that it is being faced with stoicism, greatness and strength. And that is why we must also be aware that our support is vital for success and that all citizens must look at Manizales as that land that suffered an abominable plague and requires our collaboration to succeed.

And what can that support be? From small actions of civic culture, civility, and personal kindness; Even the great actions of believing in the city, investing in it and multiplying its strengths, are concrete contributions that often do not cost us, but that help immensely to make Manizales a municipality with a higher quality of life. We also require patience, since we cannot expect lightning solutions to problems created and fueled for four eternal years, much less expect that the institutional breakdown and the looting of our coffers will have a miraculous recovery. It takes time and a lot of effort to put ourselves back together, and it is therefore reprehensible that some who today demand immediacy have been part of the problem and are condoning the debacle we face with their silence or actions. We are therefore facing new perspectives and the resurgence of a city that is always beautiful and characterized by its culture and warmth. This is a new challenge for a race that has overcome the greatest problems and has overcome the most immense vicissitudes. Go ahead, Mayor Jorge Eduardo Rojas! What we see today fills us with hopes and illusions.


And although Manizales has not forgotten the grievances and attacks that were committed against it, we are overcoming the catastrophe. And very good for the mayor, who focused on governing looking toward the future, since the control and justice bodies must take care of the past. That is why the complaints must not stop either!

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