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For a confirmed case of animal abuse you must pay 3 million pesos

Embed – For a confirmed case of animal abuse you must pay 3 million pesos

Details of the case in San Salvador de Jujuy

The Contravention judge of the province, Matías Ustarez explained that the sentence was handed down in this case that generated a lot of controversy due to the apathy and mistreatment exercised on the animal.

“It is a bulldog dog that was not vaccinated, which did not have the usual hygienic conditions, half of the face was eaten by parasites that in turn were spread in different organs of the animal’s body, according to the police,” Ustarez detailed. He also reported that the animal was tied up and severely malnourished.

As the judge explained, it is the first time that the prosecution requests the accumulation of sentences due to the actual participation of the contraventional offenses. “That is why the fine amounted to 3 million pesos and this woman also does not have the possibility of having any animal under her care again.”

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Who is the accused person?

Ustarez reported that she was a woman of foreign origin who was serving a house arrest sentence because she also had a federal case in Palpalá.

The staff in charge of verifying compliance with house arrest was the one who gave the notice about the situation so that the sentence and sanction for the woman could be complied with.

The staff in charge of verifying compliance with the domiciliary order was in charge of giving the notice to end this sentence.

“The Board of Released Persons and the MPA (Public Prosecutor’s Office) were involved to evaluate the promotion of criminal actions as well. To this we must add and not forget that this person decided to have her sacrificed, which is why the MPA also participated in this second fact,” the judge added.

Complaints of animal abuse increased in Jujuy

Finally, Matías Ustarez stated that during the last time, they have been constantly receiving complaints about animal abuse.”

“The positive thing about this, within the bad thing, is that all the intervening areas are dedicated to giving these cases the treatment they deserve,” he concluded.

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