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bought the San José sanatorium

Winds of change and restructuring are blowing in the private health market. After Swiss Medical acquired the Las Lomas Sanatorium, the last move was made the Basa Group, a branch of the Olmos Group that took over the Sanatorio San José from Palermo, according to the specialized Phamabiz.

The Olmos group grew exponentially in the management of Alberto Fernández, closely linked to the unions, especially the UOM.

This sanatorium was owned by the Federation of the Catholic Circle of Workers and now became the property of Grupo Basa, a company with national capital that currently manages 20 health centers distributed in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, in the province of Buenos Aires, Santa Fe, Mendoza and San Juan, in addition to a network of polyclinics in nine provinces.

According to what is stated on its website, the firm serves the members of 31 sections of the Social Work of the Metallurgical Workers Union (UOM) of the Argentine Republic. Also, provides services to PAMI, Swiss Medical, OSDE, and OMINT, among several others.

The BASA Group is under the umbrella of the Grupo Olmos holding company that has participation in businesses linked to health, technology, insurance and the media. He owns the newspapers Crónica and BAE Negocios, among several other media.

The San José sanatorium had been going through financial and management difficulties. He had -in reality- a management prior to that of Olmos under the responsibility of the doctor Roberto Erusalimksy. This former owner of the Clínica de los Virreyes closed an agreement with the Federation of Workers for the management and subsequent purchase. “Although this deal did not materialize. The entity finally turned to the option of the Olmos group led by Raúl Olmos,” reported the specialized media Pharmabiz.

Sources close to the operation stated that the group stayed with this institution by absorbing liabilities. The Sanatorium located in Sánchez de Bustamante 1674, between Charcas and Güemeshas 140 hospital beds and until recently nearly 800 employees, “which is considered to represent a staff well outside the range.” For this reason, the sanatorium had already laid off about 50 employees in the month of March. , under the management of Erusalimsky and Now about another hundred unemployed people are added under Olmos“, according to the source.

Among its different movements in the health sector, the Olmos Group bought, in December of last year, all the shares of the company Fresenius Medical Care Argentina, which includes the 76 dialysis clinics and its manufacturing center in the country. The entire management of Fresenius and its employees became part of Well Being SA, part of the Olmos Group.

With this operation, the Olmos Group became the exclusive representant in Argentina for the marketing of all Fresenius products for dialysis treatments and services.

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