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Martín Menem announced that they are going to “insist” on the articles of Personal Assets, Profits and privatizations

THE head of the Chamber of Deputies, Martín Menem

After a marathon day in the Senatethe projects of the Base Law and the tax package they returned to Deputies, where now legislators must decide whether to accept the introduced modifications or insist on the original project. In this context, the president of the Chamber, Martin Menemalready announced that they will seek to insist on the articles referring to Personal property, Profits and the privatizations.

In their particular treatment, the senators rejected the reestablishment of the Income Tax and the article related to Personal Assets. Regarding privatizations, the ruling agreed to get out of the list Argentine Airlines, Argentine Mail and National Radio.

In this context, Menem assured in a dialogue with LN+ that La Libertad Avanza (LLA) wants to insist on the original wording of the tax burdens, which are within the fiscal package. “We are going to insist on the fourth category, with Personal Assets, we have seen some good things in the RIGI. Let’s say, let’s see, we’re going to do an exhaustive analysis of what things improve what we understand is useful to people,” she said.

When consulted by the journalist Esteban Trebucq Regarding whether they will accept the changes introduced in the State reforms section, the head of the Chamber anticipated: “We are going to insist on the privatization issue”. “We believe that the day we are no longer here, God willing in 2031, we are going to aim for the president to be here for 8 years. The cultural battle goes much further than 8 years, but we want to leave a state that works and not leave doors open, that can seize the future socialism, if it still has some power, to get back into all the companies of the State and make all the mess that they left in December 2023,” he alleged.

Guillermo Francos in Congress

In relation to the negotiations that must be held in Deputies to achieve the support of other sectors, the libertarian stated that he will try to “seek agreements to end with the best possible law, taking into account the changes that have been introduced in the Upper House.” . “I think there are a couple of things that have been voted on with two-thirds, but on most issues if we insist with a simple majority we will be fine,” he projected.

In addition, he spoke of the rejection that the projects received from the Kirchnerist bloc and launched: “They want the Government to do badly because they lost power, they don’t care about education, health, justice, they don’t care about anything.” On the other hand, he accused them of being behind the incidents that took place in the vicinity of Congress.

On the same Thursday, a meeting was called with the block leaders of the dialogue opposition in Deputies to agree on the steps to follow after the approval of both projects.

The vote in the Senate (REUTERS/Mariana Nedelcu)

The meeting was attended by the Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, who made it clear that the priority for the Government is the fiscal package, specifically the reversal of Profits and the reform of Personal Assets. “The best thing would be to find a synthesis between the changes and the original wording,” explained some of those present. “They want us to insist on as many things as possible,” said a deputy after the meeting.

From the PRO they announced that they will insist on the original wording of the points in which modifications were introduced without the agreement of the Government. Meanwhile, a part of the radical bloc would be in favor of the privatization of Airlines.

At this meeting, the possible date of the session was also discussed, since the Executive conveyed its intentions for it to be as soon as possible. “The date we are thinking about is either the week that starts on Monday the 24th or the first week of July,” the head of the Chamber of Deputies said in this regard.

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