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Deaths due to dengue increase to 8 in Huila

As of epidemiological week 22 of 2024, the department of Huila reports 15,279 cases of dengue, with outbreaks in 37 municipalities and a growing number of fatalities. The authorities call on the community to be aware and prevent the spread of the mosquito that transmits the disease.


The department of Huila faces a critical public health situation due to the persistent incidence of dengue in all its clinical presentations. At epidemiological week 22 of 2024, dengue continues to be a significant threat in the region. With a total of 15,279 registered cases, dengue has spread to all corners of the department, affecting 37 municipalities and being classified into different levels of alert and outbreak, with severe implications for the local population.

The report indicates that 13 municipalities in Huila are in a type II outbreak, including Algeciras, Garzón, Gigante, Guadalupe, Iquira, Isnos, Neiva, Palermo, Pital, Pitalito, Saladoblanco, San Agustín and Suaza. Another 22 municipalities, including Acevedo, Agrado, Altamira, Baraya, Campoalegre, Colombia, Elías, Hobo, La Argentina, La Plata, Oporapa, Paicol, Palestine, Rivera, Santa María, Tarqui, Tello, Teruel, Tesalia, Timana, Villavieja and Yaguará, are in a type I outbreak. In addition, the municipalities of Aipe and Nátaga are in the alert zone.

More than 15,000 cases and 8 fatalities confirm the seriousness of the epidemiological situation.

Alarming statistics

So far this year, a total of 15,279 cases of dengue have been reported in the department. Of these, 62.9% correspond to dengue without warning signs, 34.5% to dengue with warning signs and 2.5% to severe dengue. It should be noted that the quality of the data presents inconsistencies in 16 cases, which are being adjusted by the corresponding territorial entities.

The vast majority of dengue cases without warning signs (88.6%) have been managed on an outpatient basis, although 11.4% have presented errors in medical conduct, possibly due to inadequate classifications. Regarding dengue cases with warning signs, 60.3% have required hospitalization, 14.9% were managed under observation and 18.4% were referred to a higher level of complexity. 6.4% of these cases also presented behavioral errors.

For the cases of severe dengue, which amount to 378, 91.8% have been managed in intensive care units (ICU), 6.1% were referred to more complex levels and 1.1% were treated in a hospital manner or presented errors in the conduct. In addition, 22 cases without specific behavior were reported, of which 8 correspond to deaths from Pitalito (3), Teruel (2), Elías, La Plata and Garzón.

Mortality and delay

Until week 22, 21 cases of mortality from dengue have been recorded in Huila. After verification, 3 cases are from outside the department (Caquetá, Putumayo and Tolima) and 18 cases are from Huila. Of these, 8 fatal cases have been confirmed from Pitalito (3), Teruel (2), Elías, La Plata and Garzón, while 9 cases have been ruled out. The analysis of a case from Altamira is pending.

The endemic behavior of dengue in Huila continues to show a fluctuating pattern with hyper-endemic increases. More than 600 cases are reported weekly, with significant peaks in weeks 10, 11, 14 and 21, possibly due to delays in data adjustment and the incubation period of the virus, which varies between 3 and 14 days. This delay implies that current cases reflect infections that occurred up to four weeks ago.

The analysis of historical data from 2017 to 2023 shows a worrying trend, with a high number of positive and probable cases reported in SIVIGILA. In week 22 of 2024 alone, 685 new cases were reported, underscoring the seriousness of the situation.

The incidence of dengue in Huila is alarmingly high, with a rate of 1281.6 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. All municipalities in the department exceed the expected goal of 100 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. In addition, 12 municipalities have incidence rates higher than the departmental rate.

The panorama of dengue in Huila at epidemiological week 22 of 2024 is worrying, with a high incidence of cases and a widespread distribution throughout the department. Health authorities are on high alert and working to improve data quality and case management.


To prevent dengue, it is essential to eliminate water tanks that can serve as breeding grounds for mosquitoes, thus reducing their reproduction. To achieve this, a series of measures must be followed:

Regularly change the water in animal waterers and vases.

Cover containers that contain water and eliminate garbage accumulated in patios and outdoor areas, as well as get rid of tires or other objects that can store water in closed places.

Use repellents on exposed body areas and wear appropriate clothing, such as long-sleeved shirts and long pants.

Place mosquito nets or canopies on beds, especially when people are sick, to prevent mosquitoes from infecting other people.

Regularly wash and brush tanks and pools to eliminate possible mosquito breeding sites.

Collect garbage and solid waste in vacant lots and keep the environment clean, participating in community days to collect useless objects.

Wear long clothing that covers arms and legs, especially in areas where mosquitoes are present.

Apply repellent to both skin and clothing.

Use awnings to sleep and avoid mosquito bites at night.

It is important to pay attention to the symptoms of dengue, such as fever, headache, muscle and joint pain, rash, nausea, vomiting and bleeding, and see a doctor if these symptoms occur. In addition, any water reservoir, such as jars, bottles or lids, should be eliminated, as they are means for the reproduction of the mosquito that transmits dengue.

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