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Thanks Dad! 71% of Antioqueños will celebrate Father’s Day this weekend, these are some recommendations

How do Antioquians celebrate Father’s Day?

This weekend Father’s Day is celebrated in Colombia, a date where Antioqueños have traditionally gathered as a family, however, the budget for dad’s gift has decreased.

71% of Antioqueños will celebrate Father’s Day and would allocate a budget between 100 thousand and 200 thousand pesos for the gift to dad.

From Fenalco Antioquia, Maria José Bernal states that in a survey carried out among Antioquia residents, “29% said that they were not going to celebrate Father’s Day, one of the reasons is because their father died or lives far away, and on the other hand the 22% of that 29% stated that they did not do it due to lack of money, 6% was the decrease in willingness to buy gifts for this year.”

650 uniformed personnel and checkpoints will be operating to guarantee security during the celebration date.

According to General Óscar Andrés Lamprea, commander of the Metropolitan Police, they will have “several controls in public establishments, checkpoints, some places where our personnel will be available, we have focused areas where people will eat their food at lunch.” “They go to the food, the gourmet areas too, party areas, focused places like shopping centers.”

Family gatherings and restaurants are the traditional places of Antioquians for this Father’s Day.

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