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More than 700 animals return to their home in Magdalena Medio | News today

This is one of the turtles released by the Aburrá Valley Metropolitan Area.

Photo: Valle de A Metropolitan Area

One of the largest releases by number, carried out by the Aburrá Valley Metropolitan Area, took place this week, in coordination with Corantioquia. Which means that multiple species were reintroduced to their natural habitats.specifically in Magdalena Medio.

In total, 757 wild animals have returned home. Among these, babillas, hicotea turtles, boas, opossums, squirrels and species of birds such as: bluebirds, guacharacas, burrowers, striped owls and more specimens, who were rehabilitated after being rescued after emergencies or voluntarily handed over to the authorities.

“It is important to highlight that the seized or recovered wildlife goes through different rehabilitation processes in our Wildlife Care and Assessment Center (CAVR), before being released or relocated,” indicated Andrés Gómez Higuita, supervisor of the CAVR of the Metropolitan Area. of the Aburrá Valley.

who added that release is only carried out when the animals have the ability to defend themselves and survive on their own in their natural environment, since this ensures their well-being and effectively contributes to ecological balance.

Although the entities work hand in hand with professionals to return wildlife to their home, due to the serious consequences of illegal wildlife trafficking, some individuals fail to develop their capabilities to survive in their environments. As is the case of the 94 relocated animals that have been delivered to living collections and conservation parks.

The animals that are released comply with an essential function for the conservation of ecosystems, since they are responsible for dispersing seeds, to facilitate the regeneration and expansion of plants, increasing plant biodiversity and promoting environmental health.

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