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They hold a vigil requesting the return of the Jhosuar child

In a wake along part of 44th Avenue to the Valledupar Transportation Terminal, The relatives of the boy Jhosuar David Mejía Gil, 4 years old, asked for his prompt return after missing more than a month since last May 12.

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His grandparents and maternal aunts, who have raised him since he was 8 months old, are desperate for not knowing where this little guy is, who was last seen in the New Millennium neighborhood. Since then, the case was reported to the authorities, who are currently offering up to 15 million pesos for information on the minor’s whereabouts, but there is still no news.

Likewise, neighborhood and commune takeovers have been carried out where the secretaries of Government municipal and departmental, together with the Valledupar Metropolitan Police, have delivered notices and posters with telephone contacts for any type of information.

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In this case, there are no indications where Jhosuar David could be. Her mother, Angélica Gil, has indicated that on May 12 she picked up the child on the occasion of Mother’s day, took him on a motorcycle, but then returned him to the neighborhood and left him on a corner. He also says that José Mario Mejía, the child’s father, gave it to him, but he denies this version because that day he was working at the Public Market.

Finally, they remembered that any information can be obtained through contact: 3205490100.

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