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Unter strike and Weretilneck’s harsh response: “There will be no parity, we will not liquidate the increase they rejected and there will be discounts”

The governor of Río Negro Alberto Weretilneck described “unintelligible” the Unter teaching strike that left Río Negro schools without classes this Friday. «I want to be clear: There is not going to be a new joint venture, we are not going to liquidate the Unter increase that they rejected and the days not worked will be deducted«said the provincial president in radio statements.

Yesterday Thursday Unter defined a strike in rejection of the salary proposal presented on Wednesday by the provincial government in joint ventures. After this measure was made known, the Ministry of Labor issued a resolution and informed the union of «refrain from carrying out a total stoppage of activities» because «it affects the right to education».

“Teachers in our province have the best salaries in the country. When one compares the 24 jurisdictions, Río Negro has the highest salary, which is why this measure is incomprehensible. “The provincial government, from December 10 until now, has made gestures of support in the recovery of teacher salaries,” said the president in statements to a Bariloche radio station.

”When the national government removed the FONID many provinces eliminated it“Río Negro left that 10 percent in the teachers’ salaries as a way to accompany them and not take away that Teacher Incentive Fund that was taken away from the province by the Nation,” he highlighted.

«Today there will be thousands of kilos of bread for example that will not be consumed, meat and chicken that was thawed, transporters who had everything prepared to transport the children; and fundamentally moms and dads who had to change their family organization”he added.

Finally he said: «I want to be clear: There is not going to be a new joint venture, we are not going to liquidate the Unter increase that they rejected and the days not worked will be deducted due to the seriousness of the non-existence of a conflict.

During this Friday afternoon, the governor published a video on his social networks in which he confirmed the criticism against the teaching union. There he assured that the salary offer implied increases in the salaries of Unter members of more than 116%, if the February salaries are compared with those of July.

Unter teaching strike: Berros compared Weretilneck with Javier Milei

The president of the Vamos con Todos bloc, José Luis Berros, expressed solidarity with the Unter teaching union and accused the government of Alberto Weretilneck of use the same arguments as Milei to attack the workers.

“Full alignment of @Weretilneck with @JMilei after the Senate vote. Now with the same repressive arguments that the President and his minister Bullrich use, The governor wants to confront each other“, Berros said through the X network.

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For the provincial legislator, the president tries to get “fathers and mothers to attack our teachers.” for defending their labor rights protected by the Constitution, even threatening legal sanctions.”

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