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Diario RÍO NEGRO presents “Estar Bien” a multi-platform section to talk about healthy living. I know what it is about

The proposal promotes healthy lifestyles through articles and interviews that inspire you to good habits. Photo: Alejandro Carnevale.

There is no doubt that the world is going through a change of era and we are eager for good news, wanting to connect with what makes us good, life experiences and healthy habits.

That is why BLACK RIVER presents “Be okay”, the new multiplatform section that highlights the good side of life and promotes the production of content linked to the latest trends in health, nutrition, rest and fitness with the keys to having a balanced mind and living in harmony.
Although this comprehensive proposal has its digital focus, It is complemented with the rest of the proposals in our newspaper that you follow on all your screens.added to the delivery of a weekly newsletter to your mailbox, plus a weekly publication in the printed edition that accompanies you every Sunday.

What are you going to find?

A renewed proposal of content linked to health from its most comprehensive aspectthe voice of professionals from our region who will reflect on different topics and the most complete coverage of scientific research and life stories.

Are you interested? These are some of the articles that you can already browse on our website:

1- From Roca he donated bone marrow to a patient in France:
Andrés Garrido registered eight years ago as a donor in the international registry. Months ago he received a call indicating that a patient in France was compatible and the operation was activated.

+50: how to reinvent yourself so that the second half of life is better than the first:
Sebastián Campanario shares the success of his latest book “Proxi +50.50 ideas for your next 50 years”. How to forecast and plan for the coming years. Well-being is possible, she insists.

Do intestinal problems generate symptoms throughout the body?:
Cipoleño doctor Facundo Pereyra shares tips to reset the intestines.
A group of professionals from the region analyzed the extra-digestive symptoms in patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The results were published by a prestigious international journal.

Diabetes: let’s talk about prevention with changes in diet and simple walks:
It is a silent disease that progresses without measure. It can be prevented and even controlled with professional help, but it all depends on each person.. The word of the specialist Daniel Pisón.

We believe that well-being is also built in community. Therefore, we invite you to interact and exchange experiences. We want to share your achievements, doubts and advice on our platforms.

You can now visit our section at and connect with this experience. If you want to add your contribution you can write to us at [email protected] and we will contact you right away.

This new experience is a production of the Branded Content RN area and its team of journalists.


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