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De la Fuente is fed up with the ‘Laporte case’: “Let’s see if we can get out of that debate”

In a Spanish concentration that is a raft of oil and with a conciliatory coach who hates controversy, there are few issues to raise eyebrows about. One of them is what has been called the ‘Laporte case’.

De la Fuente already defended before this newspaper that the joining date with the former Athletic player was agreed upon and that, therefore, it did not pose any problem for him. This Friday he did it again at the Press conference prior to the debut. “He arrived at the right time, when it was planned,” he concluded.

Laporte felt muscle discomfort in training on Wednesday, according to the sources consulted by this newspaper. On Thursday he did not train. De la Fuente said that he “could have played” and that this would have happened “if it had been up to Aymeric.” It was the coach himself who decided to do without him. The Riojan does not want to take risks and be without the player for the rest of the tournament. In fact, he considers his presence against Italy on Thursday very probable.

The case bothers the coach. The proof of this is that it has been the only topic that has gotten him mad in Germany. “Let’s see if we can get out of this debate,” he flatly and annoyingly asked the journalists in Berlin.

And he closed the matter with resounding support. «It’s perfectly. He is trained, motivated and today he is one of the best in his position.


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