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The CGT Andean Zone brought a plan against unemployment to the municipality of Bariloche

The driving of the CGT of the Andean Zone met with him Mayor Walter Cortés to claim actions aimed at combating unemployment, especially among young people, while preparing a draft ordinance with the same purpose, which he will present as a “rethinking the productive labor matrix” of Bariloche.

The co-secretary general of the CGT ZA and also leader of UPCN, Sandra Urra, He said that in most of the unions that make up the central They receive “hundreds” of people looking for work every day and who in general “are young just out of high school, or university students who need an income to continue their careers.”

He also pointed out thatand in some cases “it is the parents, members of the union, who come in search of employment options for their children”. The leader assured that these revealing symptoms of a strong increase in unemployment in the city began to be registered “starting in February and March.”

They talked with Cortés about his electoral promises to legislate in favor of local employment, but he also said that there are already instruments in that sense that have been “ineffective.” The mayor admitted that, for example, there are clauses in the TISH rate that favor companies and businesses in relation to the employment they generate, but also “there is a control deficit” of the municipality at that point.

Urra pointed out that Some unions such as Gastronomic have a fairly precise record of the high percentage of foreign workers who access seasonal positions and relegate those from Bariloche.s. And he considered that the municipality must address that reality.

Among the options that they evaluated with Cortés was that of strengthening the instances of training in trades for young people “with a direct link to access to jobs.”

The effort put into training

The CGT representative said that Several unions agreed to provide teachers and facilities for this purpose. For example SuteryH, which already has its own training program in shoemaking, electricity and plumbing. The same as Uocra and also Uthgra, with a structure to provide training in specialties related to their activity.

Urra said that they agreed with Cortés to have a second talk “with proposals” and acknowledged that if it is about new legislation “cannot go on the side of privileging local labor, because they will reject it as unconstitutional.”

That’s why the CGT these days he is making a initiative that he plans to take to the Council in order to reconvert “the productive labor matrix of Bariloche”which would be the focus of a training plan and the commitment of companies to employ the people who participate in these courses, in exchange for some tax exemption.

He pointed out that “There is a need for job boards that they work well.” He recalled that the municipality long ago had an Employment Office that achieved quite efficient insertion agreements, but the fall in economic activity and changes in government generated a setback in those policies. “We have to reactivate all that,” said Urra. Because today There are hundreds, or thousands of kids who walk around with their resumes and don’t find an answer.”

In the case of UPCN, commented, they receive orders constant number of people interested in “entering as school janitors” or find a place in other State agencies, “but there are no incorporations” or they are carried out through mechanisms outside the union. “Some members believe that if they have a job in the State they can leave their children, but the province removed that. It’s all very difficult,” said Urra.

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