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They found a woman from Paraná dead

Susana Altamirano, 47, had been wanted by her family since Friday, when she had last been seen, and was found murdered this Wednesday near Crespo, in the second femicide in a week in the region.

The woman’s body was found on the shoulder of Route 131 that connects Crespo and Villa Libertador San Martín, with signs of strangulation, and the arrival of the Prosecutor’s Office was awaited this Wednesday afternoon. Meanwhile, a man who would have been her partner was arrested.

The woman had been wanted since Friday, when she had last been seen near her home, in the Bajada Grande area of ​​Paraná.

The discovery was approximately at kilometer 30 of the route that goes from Diamante to Crespo and the location where the body was located would have been obtained from the expert examination of the telephone numbers of the woman and the man who was detained this Wednesday. The geolocation work of the devices carried out by the Police Intelligence division would have allowed them to arrive at the location.

Searched in Paraná

Susana had been last seen on Friday on the corner of her street Croacia and Larramendi. It is not yet known what she did or what happened to her between then and until this Wednesday. It is also unclear what link she had with the man who is the first suspect in the femicide. He would have been arrested in the city of Viale.

The woman worked in household chores and childcare for a family and had no history of leaving her home for a long time or of remaining incommunicado with her family and loved ones. Her routine the last few days would have been normal and there were no indications that would have suggested her fatal outcome, which had baffled those around her.

With the police and judicial investigation that now begins with the discovery of the body, it is expected that the circumstances of the unfortunate event will be determined, the second femicide in a few days in Paraná and surrounding areas.

It is worth remembering that Brenda Albarenga, 33 years old, had been murdered on Friday in the Paraná XVI neighborhood, at the hands of her ex-partner Alan Domínguez, 28 years old.

READ MORE: Brenda’s femicide: Alan Domínguez was sent to jail


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