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Dialogue governors prepare a summit to define positions on the Bases Law in Deputies

The governors were key to the approval of the Base Law in both chambers. However, the project will have to be re- Deputies for the validation of the modifications that the text underwent during the discussion in the Senate. And on that point internal differences emerge that will seek to be resolved in a summit that the leaders will celebrate “dialogues”.

Jorge Macri (CABA), Maximiliano Pullaro (Santa Fe), Claudio Poggi (Saint Louis), Alfredo Cornejo (Mendoza), Gustavo Valdes (Currents), Rogelio Frigerio (Between rivers), Ignacio Torres (Chubut), Carlos Sadir (Jujuy), Leandro Zdero (Chaco), Marcelo Orrego (San Juan) will meet on June 26 to define positions on the new debate in the lower house.

Also read: Bases Law: what each governor took away from the negotiation and how much room they have to make changes in Deputies

The reverse of Income Tax, which affects the collection of both the Nation and the provinces, will be on the table. The Patagonians – among them, Torres – united to reject it in the Senate. But it is not the only point that generates conflicting positions.

The southern governors reached agreements on hydrocarbons and united to stop Profits. (Photo: Energy press)

With the return of the Bases Law to Deputies, the “dialogue” governors seek to align positions

Although his signature appeared in the document released by the “dialogueists” through which they demanded, prior to the debate in the Upper House, the approval of the bulk of the economic initiatives that the Government seeks to promote, there were messages that showed that Pullaro, for example, did not agree.

“The statement came out before there was an OK from all the governors, and that is wrong”he acknowledged Jorge Macri in Do you see her? by TN.

In turn, the radical leader Emiliano Yacobittileader of Evolution together with the senator Martin Lousteau and close to the governor of Santa Fe, he came out to deny that document. “It is false,” he said in x.

Lousteau is a staunch opponent of Javier Milei. On the contrary, Cornejo -especially-, Valdés and Zdero have a position closest to the national government.

The return of the Bases Law to Deputies It opens a new opportunity for governors to enter the conversation and, at the same time, expose their disagreements. Everything will be a topic of conversation on the 26th.

Pullaro with Kicillof. (Photo: PBA Press)

Kicillof now seeks to build bridges with Peronist governors

On the other side, Axel Kicillof He plays his own game and now involves the governors of the same political group. After meeting with Pope Francisco In the Vatican, the Buenos Aires governor prepares agreements with Ricardo Quintela (La Rioja) and Sergio Ziliotto (La Pampa), in line with those previously sealed with Pullaro and Torres.

Also read: The sanction of the Bases Law left the PJ injured, which failed to reorganize or seal alliances against Milei

This time, one of the motivations has to do with the armed opposition at the national level. This is what Kicillof himself hinted at in statements to AM 750 this Saturday. “We need a process of reconstruction of Peronism that includes the provinces”said.

“Milei’s positions allow us to form an opposition that is effective,” remarked the Buenos Aires governor, and criticized the Bases Law and the fiscal package. “The effect of these measures will not be beneficial for the provinces.”

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