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Guillermo Francos accused Judge Casanello of “playing politics” by asking the Government for a new plan to distribute food

The Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francosagain pointed out his criticism against the federal judge Sebastian Casanello for having intimated the Government to present a new plan for the distribution of food to the canteens. He accused him of “playing politics” with their resolutions.

“What Casanello is doing is illogical and is getting into another power of the State“Francos questioned in an interview with Miter radioand continued with his criticism of the magistrate.

The chief minister recalled, although without mentioning it, the nickname that many critics of Casanello gave the judge for the supposed slowness in some cases and contrasted it with the current “speed.”

“He is a judge who has several questions, he had several nicknames before, like he took too long, longer than normal, some reasons, but Now I see that it executes with unusual speed. He may say that it is because of the vulnerable situation of some sectors but he is doing things that do not correspond,” Francos said. The nickname he was referring to was “tortoise.”

For the official, “it is ridiculous” that they “ask the Executive for a plan.” He points Francos to the ruling through which Casanello considered “insufficient” the operation that the Ministry of Human Capital has already put into operation to distribute the food retained in warehouses of the portfolio led by Sandra Pettovello. According to the document that circulated late on Friday, the judge gave the Government 72 hours to present a new proposal.

“It bothers me when the judges they want to do politics on issues in which they have no powers or merits to do so,” Francos questioned emphatically.

As after Casanello’s first ruling, Francos indicated that the Government will appeal in court because it is considered unconstitutional.

“If the justice system believes that there was a breach of the duties of a public official, they should present it that way. But they cannot say this, you have to do it now, first because the food that was in storage was not for that purpose and furthermore, they had an expiration date. expiration, and that is why they proceeded to distribute them, it is a decision of the Executive, it is as if the Executive got involved in a chamber resolution,” he continued with the complaint.

In that sense, he added: “Interference in the powers of another branch of the State is unconstitutional and the government is going to propose that.”

In his latest resolution, Casanello “once again invites the Ministry of Human Capital to complete compliance with the presentation of the requested plan within 72 business hours.” He also requested a report on the progress of the plan carried out so far.

“In order to comply with the requirement, they may instead offer the testimony of a responsible person within the competent area, knowledgeable about the designed plan, to appear before these Courts for the purposes of expanding the information in accordance with the parameters duly established in the resolution,” the judge indicated.

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