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The Brazilian truck driver accused of causing four deaths on Route 40 must remain in Bariloche

In the Villa La Angostura prosecutor’s office they want truck driver Carlos Artur from Peder Da Silva remains in Argentina to guarantee that the case in which he is accused of causing four deaths as a result of a crash on National Route 40 reaches trial.

That’s whyProsecutor Adrián De Lillo opposed on Thursday the request of the official defender Sol Valero to allow the accused, a Brazilian national, to return to his country. The legal representative of the mother of one of the children who died, who became a plaintiff in the case, also spoke out against it.

The defender asked to mitigate the precautionary measures that were imposed on the truck driver after the charges were filed. It proposed, for example, the obligation to go to Argentina or to sign at an entity in Londeiras, where the accused has his domicile.

Judge Ignacio Pombo rejected the defense’s request and left in force the measures ordered by guarantee judge Bibiana Ojeda on June 2when the detention control hearing and the formulation of charges took place.

The magistrate imposed on the accused the prohibition on leaving the country and the obligation to go daily to the police station closest to the home was established in Bariloche.

The sources commented that it is essential that the driver remain in Bariloche because There are still no evidentiary measures in the investigation of the tragedy of June 1. In fact, they explained that the accident expert has not yet finalized his report. He only gave an advance payment to the prosecutor when the charging hearing was held. Ojeda authorized investigating the case for a period of four months.

How the crash occurred, according to the prosecution

That afternoon, the cBrazilian citizen was driving a Mercedes Benz truck, with its trailer, heading towards National Route 237. Instead of driving with great care due to the snow that fell on the asphalt, he did so in a reckless and illegal manner, according to the prosecutor’s accusation.

At kilometer 2063, The truck – without load – collided with a Fiat Strada, in which the brothers Ezequiel and Lisandro Linares were traveling, with their respective children, Taiel and Martina.. All four died as a result of the violent impact. A family was destroyed.

The day after the tragedy, the prosecutor charged the Brazilian driver with having caused the road accident and the four deaths. He described the incident as culpable homicide aggravated by the number of victims.

De Lillo requested 15 days of preventive detention for the driver, but Judge Ojeda rejected the request. Instead, she banned him from leaving the country.

The sources revealed that it emerged that the accused has been handling cargo transportation for fifteen years that supposedly crosses the border crossings located in Neuquén to reach Chile. But on the afternoon of June 1, he allegedly omitted the duty of care. Even more so, when snow falls in the area.

The theory investigated by the prosecutor indicates that The truck driver “created an illegal risk when he maneuvered in an illegal manner by not respecting traffic signs.” and disobeying the mandatory “existing double yellow line” horizontal marking on the asphalt.

The fatal maneuver

According to the prosecution, the defendant made a maneuver to his left which caused him to invade the opposite lane where the Fiat Strada was traveling. The truck collided with the truck, which Ezequiel Linares was driving, with its right apex. All four occupants died as a result of the impact.

The sources consulted reported that The breathalyzer test on the truck driver gave a negative result.

The winding stretch of National Route 40, which connects Villa La Angostura and Bariloche, is complicated for many drivers. Whether residents or visitors. Even more so, when there is snow or ice on the asphalt. The abundant tight curves leave no room for overtaking.

The risks increase in these conditions and also when speed limits are not respected. In the case of trucks, the risk is much greater due to their own characteristics. “For this reason, when a professional driver enters Argentine territory he has to submit to the current traffic regulations,” said a judicial source.

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