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What Jimena Monteverde told him

Mirtha Legrand made it clear last night that she is a great admirer of Pope Francis. The lunch diva was excited when Jimena Monteverde, who was traveling to the Vatican last week, He gave him the message that the Supreme Pontiff sent him in a special way. “I can not believe it”, He launched as soon as he heard the words of his faithful cook.

«How are you, Mirtha? I missed you. Really”Monteverde started when Mirtha invited her to come to the studio to give the details of the dinner she shared with Fernando Burlando, Mariana Brey, Franco Mercuriali and Arnaldo André.

And without waiting for an answer, he continued: «Do you know that I have a message for you? The only person the Pope spoke to was me. I sent him your little video, that you sent him greetings, and he told me ‘a big kiss for Mirtha’ ». “Oh, I can’t believe it,” Chiqui reacted, and she immediately covered her face with her hands.

Mirtha Legrand was moved after the message that Pope Francis sent her, through Jimena Monteverde.

«Tell her that I always see her, but tell her in secret. So I’m telling you in secret but someone is going to see us, for sure,’” Monteverde continued. “His Holiness, my God! How wonderful.”, the diva managed to say, still excited. “I’m sinning,” the cook later joked in relation to her infidelity.

“I saw you in a photo shaking hands,” Mirtha told him about the images that emerged from the meeting. “Yes, I shook his hand and he was talking to me about you there,” Monteverde then revealed. At that moment, the driver turned around and with a proud gesture she looked at her guests and asked for “a little more respect.”

The photo of cook Jimena Monteverde with Pope Francis in the Vatican. Photo Courtesy.

Regarding what he went to do at the Vatican, Monteverde took advantage of a question from Arnaldo André to say that he went to cook at a foundation of Pope Francis. “And what did you cook for him?” Mirtha wanted to know. «We did a little bit of everything because it was really like a cultural exchange. He has an association, a house where he welcomes immigrants, and there they teach them trades.«he added.

«Having the Pope next to him, the truth is that it is…», the cook wanted to close her speech, but Mirtha didn’t let her finish the sentence. “Is he nice?” she interrupted. “He’s very nice, yes, yes,” she confided. “He didn’t tell you anything if he came?” Legrand asked, intrigued by a possible visit from the Argentine, who since he was named Pope has never returned to the country.

«Everyone asks him to come. I think she’s coming. Then I call him and ask him, Monteverde retorted, and burst out laughing. “It can’t be, an Argentine Pope and he doesn’t come,” Chiqui complained.

After the experience, the cook shared the emotion that the experience generated in her on her Instagram account. «Another surprise that life gave me!! “I went to cook in Rome for a global organization that educates young immigrants, without resources, through art, sports and music and also cooking!!”, he wrote alongside his photos with the pope.

Immediately, the publication was filled with comments, congratulations, hearts and likes. In addition, she shared a story where she is seen holding the Pope’s hand with a wink to Mirtha.: «The Pope telling me that he watches us on TV, @mirthalegrand», he noted.

Mirtha Legrand and Pope Francis: the proposal with a letter, ten years ago

In 2013, the same year he became Pope, Mirtha Legrand invited the pontiff to one of her lunches. Through an emotional letter, Francisco rejected the proposal. It was the same host who told the details of that back and forth during her program.

“May the Lord repay you for your kindness,” was the first thing the Pope wrote in his text. “Regarding a meeting on your program, I don’t see it as possible because I don’t usually do it. Please don’t take this the wrong way, but it’s my way of doing things. “I have already denied this possibility to other media”, the Holy Father excused himself. Furthermore, he promised her that he would receive her on Legrand’s eventual trip to Rome.

«There are two films, Moonlight and Abuse of Trust that left their mark on me. Good things were done in Argentine cinema,” the pontiff also commented, in reference to two films in which the host starred alongside her sister. The Pope concluded the text with a phrase that characterizes it: “I ask you to please pray for me, because I need it.”

With information from La Nación

Mirtha Legrand excited during her program when listening to the special message from Pope Francis brought by Jimena Monteverde.

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