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In La Pampa the story that blames almost everything on the people of Mendoza becomes watery

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The conflict continues over the waters of the Atuel River between La Pampa and Mendoza.

It is symptomatic that the Pampean Peronists live questioning works encouraged in Mendoza by presidents of the Nation of that same party.

In the case of The Nihuil, The dam was completed in 1947, during the first government of Juan Domingo Perón. And the brake on the Portezuelo del Viento dam on the Río Grande, in Malargüe, was a project encouraged by the Peronist president Nestor Kirchner and agreed in 2006 with the governor Julio Cobos as part of the economic compensation to Mendoza for the damage caused by industrial promotion in the provinces neighboring ours.

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The poor

“The thing is exactly the opposite of what they say in La Pampa”assured Abihaggle, for whom the truth was La Pampa’s constant policy of pressure on national governments (especially those of a Peronist nature) because the Pampa leaders had realized that “the permanent complaint” had been a productive way of obtain national resources without showing off too much in management within your province.

Abihaggle, who in addition to being head of Irrigation was Minister of Works of Mendoza, Argentine ambassador to Chile, university professor and prominent national and provincial legislator, maintained that the officials of La Pampa insisted on promoting themselves as poor. despite having a part of its territory within the rainy Pampa Húmeda (600 to 800 millimeters annually)benefit of nature that Mendoza does not have with its few 200 millimeters of rainfall per year.

This Mendoza economist also reminded us that this sector of the Pampa Húmeda had allowed the complaining Pampean officials be benefited by the Agricultural revolution experienced in the country by the grain sector in the last 30 years.

With patience and teaching attitudewithout those lacerating pretensions of some of his political colleagues who prefer the chicane and the discrediting battering ramAbihaggle claimed that in reality The province of La Pampa “has plenty of water” but does not know how to use it“They have one of the largest rivers in the Nation, the Negro River, on the southern border of that province, which they have never used,” he stated.

“Hostile territory”

The Peronist governments of La Pampa have had the support of all of Cristina Kirchner’s administrations to the point that the fall of the Portezuelo del Viento dam project It was the result of the obstacles that the Peronist provinces of the Interjurisdictional Committee of the Colorado River (COIRCO) placed on Mendoza, a move that had the decisive militant endorsement of the president. Alberto Fernández, who considered Mendoza “hostile territory” during his forgettable presidency.

When analyzing the Supreme Court’s ruling in favor of La Pampa between 2018 and 2020, which forced Mendoza to deliver a permanent minimum water supply, Abihaggle considered that the court had had an “extreme environmentalist position, which is contrary to the modern vision in favor of integrated resource management, vision that equally contemplates environmental aspects with those of human, social, economic and employment development.

Without intending to rise up against that judicial ruling, much less ignore it (which La Pampa did do when there were aspects that did not favor it), Abihaggle considered that the Court had “given rise to Pampa proposals that were atypical and inapplicable in jurisdictional disputes.” In that provision The Court also established a works plan for water recovery that had to be co-financed between Mendoza, on the one hand, and the Nation and La Pampa, on the other.

Abihaggle used to remember that The Pampeans and the national government refused to comply with that provision. Mendoza then requested that a serious expert investigation be opened. A time before dying warned that none of that had progressed. Obviously, in the story that La Pampa has established and that it hammers home in schools and in the media, The only bad ones are the people of Mendoza. But that has started to leak.

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Ziliotto in trouble

The governor of Pampas, Sergio Ziliotto (PJ)re-elected in the last elections, who There is no longer a Peronist palenque to scratch in the Casa Rosada, has once again pivoted his management focusing on the fight against Mendoza’s evil that doesn’t let them grow.

That situation has forced Ziliotto to put his province in emergency due to the reductions in transfers suffered by all the federal states of the country, in particular those who had been getting by with discretionary aid and contributions from the Treasury and that they did not pay much attention to their fiscal consolidation.

How right Abihaggle was when he repeated in recent years that Mendoza had to make “his position on the dispute with La Pampa better known.” through the waters of the Atuel”! As he explained, “the effort and work of the inhabitants of southern Mendoza is at stake.” A task that could be simplified showing the forms of management of the two provinces, not only institutionally.

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Sergio Ziliotto, governor of La Pampa.

For example, Abihaggle never stopped being a Peronist, but he knew that Mendoza came before the party.

This is how I used to remember that in the last 50 years Irrigation and channel inspections of the Atuel River had invested 50 million dollars in maintenance works while the Government of Mendoza had built four sections of the Atuel marginal canal, in addition to the aqueduct that brings water to the Pampas towns of Santa Isabel and Algarrobo del Águila, mineral spring water that clever Pampas “entrepreneurs” bottle and they sell as if they were the owners of the aqueduct, as the Mendoza government has just denounced.

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