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Indigenous leader dies in Guaviare

The news of the death of Móka Nijbe Joonide, known as Mónica Nukak, is deeply sad and worrying. As a leader and spokesperson for the Nukak del Guaviare indigenous community, Mónica played a vital role in defending the rights of her community, a population that faces multiple challenges, from displacement to the lack of basic services.

The preliminary report indicates that Mónica caused two wounds to her right leg with a sharp weapon, apparently in a suicide attempt due to a passionate affair. The ambulance that attended The call for help was slow to arrive, resulting in his death due to bleeding.

This tragic event highlights the serious deficiencies in infrastructure and health services in the region, that are essential for the survival and well-being of indigenous communities.

The Nukak community faces extremely precarious conditions, lacking food, clean water and adequate medical care. These conditionsor only increase their vulnerability, but also threaten their existence in the region.

The loss of Mónica is a hard blow for all those who fight for the preservation and rights of indigenous peoples in Colombia.

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