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Uribe criticized the Government’s management of the economy: “subsidies for the poor will run out of money” | News today

President Gustavo Petro and former president Álvaro Uribe.

Photo: Archive

Through a statement, the former president and leader of the Democratic Center party, Álvaro Uribe Vélez, gave his position regarding the management that Gustavo Petro’s government has given to the economy. Furthermore, he compared the actions of the Executive with those of the period in which Hugo Chávez was the head of the Venezuelan State and urged to give more “confidence and stability to private companies.”

“Castro’s advice to Chávez was clear, ‘finish the economy of the rich and manage that of the poor, but first win the elections.’ Campaign against corruption and inequality. As a candidate, give confidence to private companies and the press. Let them choose that today it cannot be achieved through armed struggle. From now on, control the elections,’ said Uribe. And he added that “in Colombia the economy of the ‘rich’ has already been weakened and subsidies for the poor will run out of money in a few years.”

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In the text, the former president noted that “investment in machinery and equipment has been negative by 27%.” Added to this, according to Uribe, “the rules have changed in many sectors of the economy,” referring specifically to the energy transition. At this point, he indicated that there has been a “lack of commitment from the Government” to advance renewable energy projects, which is why they have failed.

“It will be difficult for them to trust Colombia again. Fears that are also sown in private health and pension capital. Could it be that they return after they are expropriated? The aggressive official discourse against private companies generates all the distrust, panic, that is, insecurity, political violence,” he said.

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Uribe also made reference to the pension reform, which received approval in its last debate in the House of Representatives this Friday and caused warnings of constitutionality demands by opposition parties, such as the Democratic Center. According to Uribe, “with the nationalization of 78% of future pension contributions they intend to make poor adults happy, with subsidies that we started years ago and that had a good increasing trend,” but these will not be able to be sustained “with the fall of the private economy.” He also criticized that the model proposed by the Government “reduces possibilities [de los jóvenes] to have a decent pension, or alternative savings.”

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The former president concluded with a call to have “clarity and determination to lower taxes, reduce the structure of the Bureaucratic State, give confidence and stability to private companies,” which would be the “source of income” for “the fraternal economy and social policies.” sustainable”. Likewise, he urged “really promoting youth entrepreneurship and alternative education of short cumulative cycles.”

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