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The birth was brought forward and Brandon was born while traveling along Route 23 in Río Negro

From the Ramos Mexía hospital they celebrated the birth of Brandon Gael who was brought forwardwhile his mother was transferred to the San Antonio Oeste hospital along National Route No. 23. “We congratulate his family and especially his mother Claudia for her strength,” they stated from the hospital.

The patient was being transferred from Ramos Mexía to San Antonio Oeste in labor on Route 23, but Brandon seems to have been eager to see the outside and went ahead.

It didn’t take long for professionals to realize and they had to assist the mother who highlighted her strength in the face of the situation.

«Once again our team from the Ramos Mexía hospital tonight gives us immense joy receiving in the middle of the trip along Route 23 to another beautiful baby who was “breech”, that is, sitting in his mother’s pelvis,” they noted in a Facebook post.

They explained that they had to attend «a pelvic or breech birth (as it is called, unlike cephalic where the baby adjusts to come out headfirst)

They resolved this delicate situation with great professionalism: «We are very, very happy to welcome Brandon Gael, we congratulate his family and especially his mother Claudia for the strength and for having given birth to a new member of our beloved town of Ramos Mexía,” they noted.

Claudia and Brandon were assisted in the Valcheta hospital ward.

«Thank you for such enormous work to our colleagues: Laura Robaina and Ismael Rosas who received the mother in the guard and Elsa Quilaleo (Valcheta Hospital) and our doctor Jhonny León and Luis Noale who received Gael in the middle of the trip.


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