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Mayor’s Office announces measures to address flooding in Valledupar townships

After the floods and other damage recorded in recent days in the townships of Valledupar due to the rains, the Secretary of Government, Jorge Luis Pérez, in the company of the Red Cross, Civil Defense, Police, Army and Risk Management of the municipality, announced some measures to address the affected areas.

“We are going to review the possibilities of intervention with a bank of machinery since we must clean El Arroyito, in Guacoche, and make a channel between the fifth and sixth streets of Guacochito in order to reduce the risk of flooding in these two towns. “, declared Pérez at the end of the technical visit.

The official added that there could be a blockage at the mouth of the Badillo River in the Cesar River, which is why they will also carry out a technical visit to these tributaries, a medium or long-term process that must be accompanied by the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Cesar. (Corpocesar).


In addition to Guacoche and Guacochito, other townships affected by floods and landslides are Las Raíces, Los Corazones and Villa Germania, as well as the Sabanitas village, jurisdiction of Los Venados, whose inhabitants have demanded timely state intervention, as well as greater forcefulness in the prevention of disasters, since traffic in rural areas and the daily output of agricultural production have also been affected.

According to official information, the Valledupar Disaster Risk Management Office “is implementing interventions that include cleaning and strengthening channels, as well as the construction of containment barriers at strategic points, with the aim of minimizing the risk of future disasters.” .

Read: Rains caused flooding in San Diego and Valledupar townships


The rains also affected several neighborhoods in the municipality of San Diego, as well as sudden flooding was recorded in the middle basin of the Cesar River, near Valledupar, according to the Government of Cesar reported on Saturday.

“We recommend that the community avoid being near the river, take pot walks and have the numbers of the relief agencies on hand and contact them in case of emergency,” warned the departmental administration.

Read: New landslide in the Villa Germania district prevents the departure of agricultural products: they request urgent machinery

Likewise, citizens have expressed concern about the increase in the flow of the Guatapurí River, in the Hurtado spa sector, where the authorities have also carried out prevention activities with bathers and merchants.

By General Editorial.

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