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A project will be presented to the Council to authorize the execution of contracts on loan –

Author: Natalia Trujillo Varela

A call was made from the agency to present the required documentation and process authorizations for the use of the properties.

The Administrative Department of Goods and Supplies seeks to bring to discussion all requests for the transfer of municipal property by foundations, associations, boards, non-profit persons, among others, to evaluate the possibility of handing over the spaces for the use of the community.

In the census carried out by the last administration of how many properties are in charge of the municipality, it showed that approximately the Administrative Department of Goods and Supplies has about 9,976 properties with different assignments; of public space, green areas, assets in high-risk areas, environmental protection zones and fiscal assets.

The director of the Administrative Department of Goods and Supplies of Armenia, José Arley Herrera Gaviria, explained that different foundations, associations and non-profit entities that focus their efforts on cultural, sports and social activities have requested that the agency be given spaces In bailment, to date there are 26 applications filed, of which 10 were filed correctly, the other 16 have been returned due to inaccuracies in the documentation.

For this year, the Department of Goods and Supplies intends to present to the Council of Armenia, the project to evaluate the authorization of the requests, “what the municipality of Armenia does is study the viability of the requests that the community submits and is carried out the visit to the property, we review its conditions, the ownership, whether or not it is on loan, what we intend to do and if they are activities that the community needs, if all these requirements are met, these are the projects that we will present to the honorable council to be the one who approves the requests,” Herrera Gaviria explained.

At the moment, the Department is waiting for citizens to submit complete documentation to present the different requests to the council in a single block, “so as not to present projects every two months but to present the projects in a complete block,” said the director of the Goods and Supplies department.

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The spaces will be given on loan to councilors or representatives who have a social project that benefits the community in general. Bienes has already made the request to file documents with the different people in the neighborhoods with the intention of carrying out two or more projects this year.

The presentation of all projects with a social, cultural, educational and sports focus before the municipal council does not have a specific date since, according to what was stated by the director, they must wait for people to submit all the documents, evaluate their viability and thus define with the municipal council whether adequate spaces are granted for the use and benefit of the community in general.


For this purpose, councilors, presidents and representatives of non-profit organizations must present the identification of the property requested, present the description of the project to be executed, resume of the legal representative of the non-profit entity or the president. of the community action board when applicable, you must also attach the certificate of existence and legal representation of the non-profit entity, the resolution of appointment of dignitaries of community action boards, a copy of the citizenship card, military booklet for minors 50 years old, disciplinary record, tax record, police record, corrective measures and RUT.

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