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Analysis of the mayoral primaries in Chile

* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

The recent victory of the Frente Amplio (FA) and the Communist Party (PC) in key communes such as Peñalolén, Providencia, Antofagasta and Valparaíso marks a milestone in Chilean politics. This result, recorded in the primary elections, not only alters the balance of power between the left coalitions, but also reflects a broader transformation in the political landscape.

This phenomenon can be analyzed through several axes: electoral dynamics, ideology, and the implications for the political future of Chile.

Electoral dynamics and grassroots mobilization

The success of the FA and the PC in these communes underscores their ability to effectively mobilize their bases in urban and highly populated areas. Primary elections are often indicative of the parties’ organizational capacity and connection to the electorate.

The victory in communes such as Valparaíso and Providencia, traditionally bastions of Democratic Socialism (SD), suggests an erosion of historical party loyalty in favor of a more progressive politics.

The ability of the FA and PC to attract voters in these areas may be due to several factors.

  • First, these parties have been able to capitalize on discontent with traditional policies, offering fresh and more radical alternatives—in terms of social and economic change.
  • Second, they have managed to connect with specific local demands, presenting candidates with strong ties in the communities and clear and resonant proposals for voters.

Ideology and political proposal

The inclination of voters towards FA and PC candidates in strategic communes suggests an important ideological change. Democratic Socialism, represented by parties such as the Socialist Party (PS) and the Party for Democracy (PPD), has been perceived as part of the political establishment, perhaps more moderate and less willing to directly confront the structures of economic and political power. social.

In contrast, the FA and the PC have maintained a more critical and radical stance regarding issues such as inequality, educational reform and social justice. This positioning has especially resonated with young voters and those disillusioned with traditional political responses.

The election of candidates such as Camila Nieto in Valparaíso and Pablo Iriarte in Antofagasta underscores a commitment to a progressive agenda that promises deeper, more structural change.

Implications for the political future

The consolidation of the FA and the PC in these urban bastions has several long-term implications. First, it challenges the hegemony of Democratic Socialism within the governing coalition, creating a new power dynamic that could influence policymaking and governance.

The need to negotiate and collaborate more closely with these sectors could lead to a “further left” turn in public policies and a greater radicalization of the government agenda.

Second, these results can be seen as a harbinger for future general elections, including parliamentary and presidential elections. If the FA and the PC manage to maintain and expand their influence, we could be facing a significant reconfiguration of the Chilean political map.

This new configuration could not only redefine electoral alliances and strategies, but also the very nature of the political debate in the country.

Ultimately, the recent victories of the Frente Amplio and the Communist Party in strategic communes show an increasingly latent transformation since these political parties arrived in La Moneda.

The next elections will be crucial to determine if this trend consolidates and redefines the political future, reflecting a new Era in which some begin to consolidate and others perish.


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