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Motorcyclist died after crashing in Neiva • La Nación

The person who lost his life when the motorcycle he was driving collided with another motorcycle that was parked in the bay in front of the La Cacica Gaitana monument was identified as Erley Reina Caicedo. The mobility authorities are investigating the causes that led to the accident.

Road mishaps increase in the capital of Huila. On this occasion, a man who was dedicated to construction work became the new victim of a strong collision between two motorcycles that occurred in the Cuatro commune of the capital of Huila.

The accident

The incident was known to have occurred last Saturday night in the vicinity of Avenida Circunvalar and Calle Cuarta in the San Pedro neighborhood, a few meters from the La Cacica Gaitana monument. There, an individual who was traveling alone in his means of transportation was involved in a road accident while it was raining in the city.


The versions compiled preliminarily indicate that Mr. Erley Reina Caicedo was driving a motorcycle with the THR-37C license plate, along the main road in a north-south direction, when in circumstances that are yet to be established, he collided with another motorcycle with a TYE license plate. 81E, which was parked in the bay in front of the tourist attraction of La Cacica Gaitana.

did not resist

As a result of the impact, the driver of the motorcycle ended up unconscious on the asphalt, so some people who were passing by the place came to help him. This is how they showed that his health was not the best.

When the paramedics arrived they confirmed his death. The blow that his body had received caused his death instantly. Given the unexpected event, the criminalistics units were informed so that they could proceed with urgent actions.

After several minutes, the units of the Neiva Mobility Secretariat arrived, who cordoned off the site and began to make a photographic record for the technical report on the circumstances that led to the accident.

They investigate

It is still unknown precisely what could have caused this crash, so forensic experts are investigating whether any of the factors would have to do with a microsleep, speeding or driving under the influence of alcohol. It is also analyzed whether weather conditions had an impact on the event.

It should be noted that the body was finally taken to the Institute of Forensic Medicine, waiting for his family to carry out the necessary procedures to begin his funeral. On social networks, his acquaintances have lamented the tragic news.

Heartfelt farewell

“What sad news, may my God keep you in holy glory and I know that there you will continue doing what you liked most, construction. My deepest condolences to the family,” wrote Jaime Andrés Valderrama Carvajal.

On the other hand, Mayerli Reina pointed out, “may you rest in peace cousin godson, may God have you in his holy glory.”

The mobility authorities of the city of Neiva call on residents to drive their vehicles with all the pertinent precautions, using the indicated signs to avoid accidents that could end in death.

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