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The new heir of Huila traditions • La Nación

Last night, the Music Park, Jorge Villamil Cordovez, witnessed the election of the new Heir of Tradition. The 25 contenders for the title performed the Sanjuanero Huilense with height and on that stage, María de los Ángeles Rodríguez Moyano, representative of the Diego de Ospina neighborhood, in commune 4 of Neiva, established herself as the winner of the night. This was the first official election and coronation evening of the Bambuco Festival in San Juan and San Pedro 2024.

Johan Eduardo Rojas López

[email protected]

Last night the queen of the first official election and coronation evening of the Bambuco Festival in San Juan and San Pedro 2024 was announced. There, María de los Ángeles Rodríguez Moyano, representative of the Diego de Ospina neighborhood, of the commune 4 of Neiva, as the new Heir of Tradition 2024. Sarith Naomy Moya Zúñiga, from the township of Fortalecillas, and Princess Maidy Liceth Bejarano Rojas, from the township El Caguán – Las Margaritas, were viceroys.

There were 25 applicants who represented the different neighborhoods, communes and townships of Neiva, in the contest that aims to encourage the native traditions of the people of Huila. There they praised their communities and demonstrated once again that the most representative festivals of the department are still alive and promise to continue being so, since the children become transforming agents of the regional culture.

The ‘Heirs of Tradition’ contest took place in two days, on the one hand, the parade along the official route in the streets of Neiva that took place on Saturday, June 15; and on the other, the election and coronation evening that was widely attended by Neivans, who energetically supported their representatives.

The day began with the opening of the candidates and continued, after the respective protocol points, with the words of the mayor of Neiva, German Casagua Bonilla, who expressed that, on Saturday, he experienced one of the “most beautiful spectacles”, referring to the ‘Heirs of Tradition’ parade.

During the contest, there was a dance presentation by the Huila Tierra Viva Ballet and a musical show by Lia Tovar.

Importance of the traditional contest

“Seeing that the people of Neiva still go out with their families and children to see this beautiful parade is comforting, it makes us feel that we are doing things well and that we must strengthen this important event within the San Pedro para Neiva programming,” said the mayor, while explaining that an Heir of Tradition means “keeping history alive, keeping culture alive and today these girls and boys who are present here deserve our respect and admiration because they have been doing an excellent role in fully fulfilling what they It implies being heir to a tradition. My most sincere congratulations go to them, to their parents, to the training schools and to all the people in the cultural sector who care about keeping our traditions alive.”

He also indicated that, without a doubt, this event is one of the most important within the entire programming.

The farewell

Immediately afterwards, Salomé Patiño Covaleda, queen of the Heirs of Tradition 2023 contest, performed the Sanjuanero Huilense for the last time that led her to win the crown at that time.

The Music Park, Jorge Villamil Cordovez, resounded to the rhythm of Huilense melodies and, on that same stage, Patiño Covaleda, who was elected a year ago as sovereign, said goodbye to the people of Neiva and closed her cycle as Heir of Tradition. Her departure took place in the middle of several musical performances that she sang with enthusiasm.


During the contest, there was a dance presentation by the Huila Tierra Viva Ballet and a musical show by Lia Tovar. After the candidates were presented in their entirety, the qualifying jury: Diana Constanza Montealegre, Diego Pascuas, Esperanza Vega de Perdomo, Javier Leyton and Sandra Patricia Charry; They chose 10 semi-finalists who, as usual, once again performed the majestic dance. This despite the fact that initially there had been talk of 9 semi-finalists.

Among them: Mariana Salazar Cuadrado from the Guacirco district – San Jorge village, Sarith Naomy Moya Zúñiga from Fortalecillas, Luzciana Suarez Solorzano from the Las Granjas neighborhood, Antonella Diaz Cuellar from the Luis Eduardo Vanegas neighborhood, Maidy Liceth Bejarano Rojas from El Caguán – Las Margaritas, María From Los Ángeles Rodríguez Moyano from Diego de Ospina, Helen Sofia Cardoso from Las Américas, Nicole Daiana López Cangrejo from Guacirco, Eimy Valentina Rivera Gutiérrez from Los Andes and María José Apache Castro from Los Colores.

“We finished the contest with great satisfaction, around 10 thousand visitors or spectators accompanying the 25 candidates representing the neighborhoods and communes of our city. I want to congratulate the cultural managers because they shined on stage tonight with music and dance. We must teach them that more than a competition, it is a meeting where we know, contribute and give life to our traditions,” said the Secretary of Culture, Tania Peñafiel.

The election and coronation evening was widely attended by Neivans, who energetically supported their representatives.


The queen receives $2,700,000 from the Ministry of Culture and a bonus of $300,000 from the Cartagena stationery store. For her part, the viceroy receives $2,200,000 from the Ministry of Culture and a bonus of $200,000 from the Cartagena stationery store. Finally, the princess received $1,700,000 from the Ministry of Culture and a bonus of $100,000 from the Cartagena stationery store. The three also receive a voucher for one night for two people at the Yararaka boutique hotel.

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