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Córdoba reduces benzodiazepine consumption by 4.1% in the last year – Córdoba

**Headline:** Córdoba reduces the consumption of benzodiazepines by 4.1% in the last year **Entry:** The ‘BenzoStopJuntos’ campaign of the Government of Andalusia has managed to raise awareness about the risks of these drugs. **News:** The province of Córdoba has managed to reduce the consumption of benzodiazepines by 4.1% during the last 12 months, from April 2023 to the same month of 2024.

This significant reduction has been highlighted by the Health and Consumer Delegation of the Government of Andalusia in Córdoba as a success of the ‘BenzoStopJuntos’ campaign, launched by the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs. This campaignhas had a notable impact throughout Andalusiawhere benzodiazepine consumption has decreased by 3.4% during the same period.

Currently, more than one million Andalusians consume these drugs, which is equivalent to one in ten people in the region. Of these consumers, half are over 65 years old and seven out of ten are women. In numerical terms, the percentage reduction means that around 64,017 Andalusians have stopped consuming benzodiazepines, of which of which 4,366 correspond to the province of Córdoba. The effectiveness of the ‘BenzoStopJuntos’ campaign is reflected in the fact that eight out of ten people who try to stop taking these drugs manage to do so, although with different levels of difficulty.

It is important to remember that the use of benzodiazepines is indicated only in anxiety crises that require symptomatic control. immediate or in cases of severe insomnia that interfere with everyday life. However, the use of these medications should not extend beyond two to four weeks, as their effectiveness decreases over time, increasing the risks of accidents, falls, and cognitive impairment. Furthermore, they generate tolerance and dependence, which makes their benefit/risk balance in the medium and long term unfavorable.

The ‘BenzoStopJuntos: Living without Tranquilizers is Possible’ program, launched in 2022 by the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs and the Andalusian Health Service (SAS), with the collaboration of the Andalusian School of Public Health, its main objective is to raise awareness among the population about the proper use of benzodiazepines and the risks of their continued consumption. This program also has the collaboration of the Andalusian Council of Official Colleges of Pharmacists (CACOF) and the support of various scientific and professional societies, as well as Primary and Hospital Care professionals and community pharmacy offices.

The program

The program focuses on providing information and educational materials to patients in doctor’s offices and community pharmacies. This material is available on the website of the Andalusian School of Public Health and is a local adaptation of existing resources in Canada, endorsed by 25 entities.

The information provided ranges from the risks of continued use of benzodiazepines to healthy alternatives for managing the condition. stress, such as relaxation, breathing, and self-control techniques, changes in habits and exercises. It also includes a self-test to measure dependence on these drugs and a directory of self-help guides for depression and anxiety disorders from the Andalusian Health Service, as well as suggestions for cessation with professional support.

The reduction in benzodiazepine consumption in Córdoba and throughout Andalusia demonstrates the success of the ‘BenzoStopJuntos’ campaign and highlights the importance of awareness and education on the proper use of these medications.

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