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Payé Discounts: local strategy with travel and tourist services promos

With the aim of promoting the province, the Payé discount program is in force, starting at 20 percent on the advance purchase of trips and tourist services.
The launch will be carried out by the Chamber of Tourism and the Ministry of the area will be in charge of the implementation and dissemination of the benefit valid for residents in Argentina who make their purchase before Thursday the 20th.
The offers include services such as accommodation, travel agencies, gastronomy and excursions.
In dialogue with EL LIBERTADOR, Alejandra Boloqui, president of the Corrientes Chamber of Tourism explained what it is about.
«The program was an initiative of the Chamber of Tourism of the Province where several businessmen considered it important in this economic moment that exists in our country to contribute with discounts on different activities. We raised it with the provincial government so that they could help us with the dissemination and assembly,” he explained.
From this he stated that through the page, there is a link to the catalog of offers and also from the Ministry of Tourism of the Nation on the page
To which he added that: «We start in the month of May. For June we continue with discounts for early reservations until June 20 so that trips are made in June and in some cases they also include winter holidays or subsequent months.
“The idea is that this is a continuous program so that we can continue offering these types of discounts so that more Argentines can enjoy the experiences throughout the province of Corrientes,” he noted.
He explained that destinations are offered such as the Iberá estuaries, Bella Vista beach with the ravines; different activities also in Paso de la Patria, among others.
Meanwhile, the sale will be carried out with the advance payment method and the discount will be informed and granted by each tourist provider. Once the contract is made, the user will use the service on the agreed date.
In Corrientes you can enjoy nature, get to know the Iberá estuaries, do religious, historical, rural tourism, taste the representative local cuisine, fish, and go hiking and horseback riding.


«This is complemented by the simple installment programs where any Argentina who goes to a travel agency or directly to the accommodation can pay by card in up to 12 installments and in turn those who have a Banco de Corrientes card will be able to access a 10 percent additional percent in those establishments attached to the bank,” he added.
«A line of credit is offered both for Corrientes who want to travel to other provinces and for Argentines who want to come to visit Corrientes with a subsidized rate, which means that it is lower than the usual rate and that allows one to also enjoy that trip and pay it in installments.

«We work all year to promote Corrientes»

The Minister of Tourism of Corrientes, Alejandra Eliciri, highlighted the continuous efforts of the Province to promote tourism, not only during long weekends, but throughout the entire year.
“We have been working not only for long weekends, but throughout the year with everything that has to do with the municipalities, with the localities, with the Chamber of Tourism and the different tourist corridors,” said Eliciri, in an interview. with Radio Chain.
The Minister emphasized that the objective is to take advantage of every opportunity to promote the various tourist offers of Corrientes. “We try to see how we can take advantage of those long weekends to be able to promote them and be with the different alternatives and proposals that the province has in terms of tourism,” she added.
He highlighted the relevance of certain tourist products at this time of year. “Without a doubt, the most important product is fishing, but so is Iberá and its access portals,” he said, also mentioning the beaches as another considerable attraction given the current climatic conditions.
Eliciri indicated that the province is actively preparing to receive tourists, especially in view of events such as the July holidays. «We, I repeat, have been working all year. We have well-defined seasons,” he mentioned, emphasizing the promotion of the Corrientes destination through advertising campaigns and participation in various fairs. “Above all, a lot of training to improve the service we can provide to tourists,” he added.
Likewise, he expressed his optimism about the growth of the sector after the pandemic. “Expectations in the province of Corrientes in recent years after the pandemic have been very good, showing a clear growth trend as a tourist destination,” he concluded.

Little sale for the end
long week

From one of the ticket offices that sells tickets for medium and long distance trips, they confirmed that there were very few sales for this long weekend. The seller pointed out that there is a difference compared to last year and considered that the drop could occur because it coincides with Father’s Day. On the other hand, he maintained that there were no increases, although there are no promotions in force either, so a ticket to Buenos Aires can cost between 35 and 45 thousand pesos.


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