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Winter break 2024: when do winter holidays fall in Argentina


When do winter holidays fall? It is a doubt that appears in conversations at this time of the year, when June marks the middle of the year 2024 and it’s been a few months since the start of school year.

Each province and Buenos aires city has the power to decide when to implement the winter breakwhich consists of two weeks in July. During this period, several take advantage of take a tripwhile other teachers and non-teaching school staff, as well as children and adolescents from all over the country, enjoy the rest in their homes with entertaining activities.

Winter holidays represent a two-week break in July for families and kids, although the specific break period depends on the jurisdiction you live in. CAMILA GODOY – AFV

By observing the school calendar official that published in the Education secretary On its official website, some 12 provinces will begin their winter break starting July 8. Meanwhile, 10 other jurisdictions and the city of Buenos Aires (CABA) will have to wait one more week to close school doors for a fortnight. While, The Pampa It differentiates itself and takes vacations on totally different days.

It should be noted that there may be a few more days of rest since this schedule does not take into account the weekend before or after the period designated for the Winter Break.

The end of the 2024 classes will be in December, but each jurisdiction has the power to define the exact date Marcelo Manera

Besides of start of classes and the winter breakthe jurisdictions have defined what day the school year endssince each of them has the power to define the school schedule. In any case, in the month of November 2023 the members of the Federal Council of Education and there it was established that in 2024 they must be issued 190 days of classes effective.

Below are the dates of end of classes in 2024 in each of the provinces.


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