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Almost a month after the death of the German tourist, they announced the placement of new billboards and the presence of mountain guides

The high-profile case of the death of the German tourist Julia Horn, which occurred almost a month ago in San Juan, brought into debate security in the mountains of the province since the very extensive provincial mountain range requires a series of joint measures to treat to provide security.

In this sense, the Secretary of Tourism, Belén Barboza, announced today that they are about to implement a series of measures, including the placement of totem poles, signage and mountain guides, although the official clarified that they have been carrying out this task since before the tragedy

“They (for the mountaineers) came with an agreement with the State, which had been canceled in July 2023. With the idea of ​​reactivating it, we began to request the necessary papers, permits and so on,” Barboza said on Radio Sarmiento.

The official explained that what they will propose is a reorganization, with new circuits and clear information signage, where the danger of certain areas is clearly specified, such as “risk of death.”

“From the Sports side they have already determined the circuits, where the posters will go. The Treasury also joined in by proposing some totems to put on the mountain, of course also with Environment included. It is going to be something very nice, more complete than what was before,” explained the Secretary of Tourism.

And he added, “there will be guides located on the mountain, a little for consultations and so on,” he noted. “The return of mountain guides will play a vital role in the safety of hikers, offering guidance and advice on safe and accessible routes.” He said that they will sign the new agreement very soon.

“Sports has worked, through Gonzalo Tellechea, to mark the circuits well and where the posters could go. The signage will say the height, the footprints, and also the level of danger. The guides asked us to please be very forceful in the message that says, for example, risk of death,” he concluded.

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