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Photos from alias Camilo’s cell phone reveal that members of the Fuerza Ciudadana party had contacts with Self-Defense Forces

New photographs taken from the cell phone of César Becerra, alias Camilo, who until recently was one of the leaders and spokespersons of the Conquistadores de la Sierra Self-Defense Forces, show that this dangerous character, captured by the Army, also in recent months had contacts with members of the Fuerza Ciudadana political group.

In several photos you can see a large orange procession on a farm located in the town of Minca, in the rural area of ​​Santa Marta.

In one of the images it appears Patricia Caicedo, sister of the former governor and founding president of Fuerza Ciudadana, Carlos Caicedo, talking with who seems to be a leader of the area.

From what can be seen in the photographs, it is believed that they were taken during the months in which Patricia Caicedo was registered as a candidate for mayor and, on that occasion, she was with her campaign team on a proselytizing day in that jurisdiction.

Leader of Fuerza Ciudadana holds dialogue with alias ‘Camilo’

What is most striking is that in one of the snapshots you can see who would be one of the leaders of the caicedismo or the Patricia Caicedo Omar campaign, identified as Rosa Villalba, talking with alias ‘Camilo’, who He was wearing a military uniform and carrying a long-range weapon, in addition to being accompanied by other armed members of the organization.

Images of the controversial photos between Rosa Villalba, from Fuerza Ciudadana, and alias Camilo, member of the self-defense groups.


The representative of Fuerza Ciudadana who had a jacket with the insignia of the political group looks very pleasant drinking water and listening attentively to César Becerra, alias Camilo, who was at that time spokesperson for the illegal organization.

Villalba recently participated in a peace protest in Minca where he took the microphone and publicly expressed that alias Camilo was the leader who brought the transformation for the Sierra; and who with his work has made his own and visitors feel safe.

Let César Becerra return as peace manager, the Sierra Nevada needs its political leader. Just as people who have been extradited have asked that people who have been extradited become peace managers, we ask that a son of the Sierra be taken into account.

“Let César Becerra return as peace manager, the Sierra Nevada needs its political leader. Just as people who have been extradited have asked that people who have been extradited become peace managers, we ask that a son of the Sierra be taken into account,” said Villalba, who also campaigned for a current elected councilor from Fuerza Ciudadana.

EL TIEMPO, which had exclusive access to the photos, learned that the Prosecutor’s Office, which has these and other images in its possession, is investigating the circumstances, manner and place in which several meetings between politicians and self-defense leaders took place.

To date, there is no known statement from Fuerza Ciudadana that reveals that, during their campaign activities, any of its members have been approached or intercepted by self-defense groups that kept them under pressure. as Mayor Carlos Pinedo justified with a complaint that he filed with the Prosecutor’s Office at the time, but that he had not made known for reasons of personal safety and that of his family.

An explanation from Fuerza Ciudadana is awaited to clarify the circumstances of this meeting with the Conquistadores de la Sierra Self-Defense Forces.

It should be noted that the armed group, in a video it published on its networks, stated that during 2019 it supported the mayoral and gubernatorial campaigns of Fuerza Ciudadana; However, he indicated that in the 2023 elections he was not going to interfere or support any candidate. In fact, in the electoral figures it is seen that the candidates of this political group win by a wide margin compared to their opponents in the Caribbean Trunk area, where this illegal armed group has influence.

These photos are added to those already revealed in the media that show alias ‘Camilo’ talking with the current mayor of Santa Marta, Carlos Pinedo Cuello, and with Juan Fernando Petro, brother of President Gustavo Petro.

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