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Friction with Chile: Boric warned that Argentina must remove the solar panels “as soon as possible” | The Navy installed them on the Chilean side of the border

The government of Javier Milei put Argentina on the verge of a border conflict with Chileafter the inauguration in the Magallanes region of an Argentine Navy base that crossed the limit with the neighboring country. The Chilean president Gabriel Boric warned in the last few hours that if the issue is not resolved “in the shortest possible time,” his country’s army will be in charge of doing so..

The unprecedented escalation occurred after the inauguration of the Maritime Traffic Surveillance and Control Post Milestone 1 of Magallanesin the province of Tierra del Fuego.

The base in the hands of the national Armed Forces is located within Argentine territory but for its operation they were installed solar panels that, in an unusual way, were placed three meters inside the Chilean side. Here’s a digression: the panels were donated by the technology company Mirgor, part of whose share capital is owned by Nicolás Caputocousin of the Minister of Economy, Luis Toto.

“A mistake in good faith”

The point is that the Boric government’s complaint was immediately heard and the recipient of it was the Argentine ambassador in Chile, Jorge Fauriethe one who, when he was vice-chancellor, handed over – in a state of intoxication – to Great Britain part of the maritime exploitation around the Malvinas.

Aware of the new problem with Chile, Faurie had no better idea than to minimize the matter: “It is not such an important work. They are solar panels” for the installation of which “The coordinates that mark the limit were not well consulted”he explained.

Then he tried to lower the price of the issue further with a crazy argument: “Those panels that are electricity providers They could also supply the Chilean side”, which “would be useful for the garrison they have there.”

Although the case It is not a territorial dispute, as there was between Argentina and Chile Throughout history, the topic was discussed at the highest level.

Boric and Milei spoke about it personally and the Argentine promised to settle the issue, according to the Chilean foreign minister. Alberto Van Klaveren. The diplomat referred to the matter as “a good faith error” on the part of Argentina, but in the last hours the tension increased.

“They must remove those solar panels as soon as possible or we are going to do it”

Due to the inaction of the La Libertad Avanza (LLA) government, President Boric spoke out publicly about it. “Borders are not something that can be ambiguous” because “it is a basic principle of respect between countries.” “Therefore, They must remove those solar panels as soon as possible or we are going to do it”, he stated.

During a contact with the press, the trans-Andean president acknowledged that Chile received “an apology from the Argentine Foreign Ministry”but the problem remained open.

The time he and Milei spoke about it, the Argentine assured him that he would refer the issue to the chancellor. Diana Mondinowhose permanence in the San Martín Palace continues to hang by a few threads.

Boric’s reaction was justified by the head of Chilean diplomacy. “What matters is basically that there is a facility that is in Chilean territory and the president was very clear in the sense of requesting its immediate removal.”said Van Klaveren.

Based on “the excellent relationship” that exists between both countries, Boric expressed that “we are not going to have problems” in solving the counterpoint. However, he stressed that Argentina’s decision to have crossed the border “It is a misleading signal that we do not like and therefore what we demand is that this be resolved in the shortest possible time.” “I insist, if not we are going to do it”he emphasized.

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