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CÓRDOBA CITY COUNCIL | The FEMP rewards the Córdoba City Council for its fight against school absenteeism

The City Council receives the good practices award from the FEMP for its fight against school absenteeismCORDOVA

The Comprehensive Prevention and Intervention Program against School Absenteeism of the Córdoba City Council has been awarded by the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) within the 8th contest of good municipal practices in the prevention and intervention against absenteeism and in the improvement of school life.

At the presentation and award ceremony of the awards, held at the FEMP headquarters, the secretary general of this organization, Luis Martínez-Siclunahas reiterated the commitment of local governments to the educationa fundamental human right and a global public good, according to UNESCO, and the most important investment that can be made for human beings, and local governments know that.” Together with the secretary general, the deputy director general of Territorial Cooperation and Educational Innovation of the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports, Francisco Javier Amayapresented the award to Florentino Santos, general director of Social serviceswhich has collected it on behalf of the Town Hall of Cordovareports the Consistory in a press release.

Minors of school age

On delivery, both the FEMP and the Ministry of Education, FP and Sports have highlighted the integrative nature of the Comprehensive Prevention and Intervention Program against School Absenteeism of the Córdoba City Council as a key success factor for prevent absenteeism and school dropouts of minors of school age, intervening at the individual, family and community level with the resources available to municipal social services. The idea is to increase those protective factors that allow for the completion of schooling, group and community action and the development of networking and coordination strategies between public administrations, promoting the protocol in the fight against school absenteeism.


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